SLAC national accelerator laboratory¿s FEL R&D group is looking to hire a postdoc/RA to join their attosecond science team. The attosecond science group develops new FEL capabilities and supports cutting-edge user experiments. Recent results include the measurement of sub-fs TW soft x-ray pulses and two-color attosecond-pump/attosecond-probe experiments.
The attosecond science team is looking for an ambitious candidate to help develop attosecond metrology in order to study and exploit the unique properties of the single-spike FEL. This is an interdisciplinary role, mixing accelerator physics with attosecond science, and we welcome candidates from either background. This position is an opportunity to study both fundamental FEL physics and to build tools in service to the lab. The successful candidate will gain exposure to the cutting edge LCLS soft x-ray attosecond program and build a platform to launch their own research.
The role is centered on a project to build an attosecond streaking diagnostic in which the x-ray pulse excites photoelectrons into the strong space-charge field of the electron beam. Photoelectrons emitted earlier will be experience more acceleration, creating and energy-to-time map which can be used to decode the attosecond pulse structure and measure the mutual coherence between the electron beam and x-rays.
SLAC is one of the world¿s premier research laboratories, with capabilities in photon science, accelerator physics, high energy physics, and energy sciences. More information can be found on SLAC¿s website:,
More info on the job website: