The Instrumentation Division seeks an exceptional Postdoctoral Research Associate to join a research effort on characterization of advanced microelectronic structures using ptychographic imaging techniques being developed at NSLS-II. The x-ray metrology pipeline will be utilized for characterization of microelectronic structures being developed at IO and performing x-ray measurements at NSLS-II. Examples of target areas include (but are not limited to): (i) characterization of defects due to electromigration effects in high-current density interconnects, (ii) characterization of mechanical stress and radiation-damage effects in photonics components integrated on a conventional silicon substrate and (iii) preparation of samples to be used for x-ray experiments at NSLS-II. The selected candidate will work with a team of scientists from NSLS-II, CFN (Centers for Functional Nanomaterials), CSI (Computational Science Initiative), and IO (Instrumentation Division), plus other postdoctoral researchers who are working on different aspects of the project (i.e., development of ptychographic imaging techniques, performing simulations and experiments that incorporate latest machine-learning algorithms). Furthermore, the successful candidate will collaborate broadly with the other members of IO and CFN, leveraging their expertise in design and fabrication of microelectronics.
This is a 2 year appointment.