STROBE Publications

Showing publications 401 – 403 of 403



Frontier methods in coherent X-ray diffraction for high-resolution structure determination

M. Gallagher-Jones, J. A. Rodriguez, J. Miao, Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 49, (2016).

CryoEM structure of the Methanospirillum hungatei archaellum reveals structural features distinct from the bacterial flagellum and type IV pilus

N. Poweleit, P. Ge, H. H. Nguyen, R. R. Ogorzalek Loo, R. P. Gunsalus, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Microbiology, 2, 16222, (2016).

Infrared vibrational nanocrystallography and nanoimaging

E. A. Muller, B. Pollard, H. A. Bechtel, P. van Blerkom, M. B. Raschke, Science Advances, 2, e1601006, (2016).
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