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So far STROBE Admin has created 245 blog entries.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Awards SFI St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal to Leading Physicist Prof Margaret Murnane and Technology Innovator David McCourt

Washington D.C., 14th March 2018 – An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD, has today presented Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) prestigious ‘St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal’ to Professor Margaret Murnane, Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Colorado; and David McCourt, Founder and CEO of Granahan McCourt Capital, for their significant contribution to academia, research and industry.

Now in its fifth year, the SFI St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal recognises the outstanding contributions of Prof Margaret Murnane and David McCourt in their respective areas, as well as their role in supporting and engaging with the research ecosystem in Ireland. The Medal is awarded annually to a distinguished Irish scientist, engineer or technology leader living and working in the USA.

One New Honor for 213 Exceptional Individuals: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elects New Members

Dr. Henry Kapteyn is elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

CAMBRIDGE, MA | April 18, 2018 — As part of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ commitment to recognizing and celebrating excellence, 213 individuals in a wide range of disciplines and professions have been elected as members of the Class of 2018. Founded in 1780, the Academy honors exceptional scholars, leaders, artists, and innovators and engages them in sharing knowledge and addressing challenges facing the world.

UCLA study produces clearest images to date of HSV-1, the virus that causes cold sores

UCLA researchers have produced the clearest 3-D images to date of the virus that causes cold sores, herpes simplex virus type 1, or HSV-1. The images enabled them to map the virus’ structure and offered new insights into how HSV-1 works. A report on the research was published online by the journal Science. The scientists used cryo electron microscopy, or cryoEM, to obtain the first atomic model of the virus particle, which is made up of more than 3,000 protein molecules comprising tens of millions of atoms.


Controlled Environment Nano-Imaging Free from Radiation Damage by X-ray Laser Diffraction

Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) is a growing technique in photon science. CDI has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool for visualizing cells and organelles using synchrotron radiation. X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) with femtosecond 3pulse durations further extends the ability of CDI to achieve spatial resolution beyond the conventional radiation-damage limitation. We performed live cell nano-imaging using a Japanese XFEL facility, SACLA. We employed pulsed coherent X-ray solution scattering (PCXSS), a form of X-ray CDI, developed by our group [1,2]. A unique feature of PCXSS is to keep solution sample under a controlled environment in micro-liquid enclosure array (MLEA) chips. We succeeded in reconstructing a live cell image from a coherent diffraction pattern recorded with a single XFEL shot. The reconstructed image quantitatively revealed the internal structures, e.g. high image intensity structure indicative of dense DNA [2]. PCXSS can also be effectively applied to nano-imaging of materials functional in solution. For example, we successfully imaged gold nanoparticle self-assemblies, developed as drug delivery carriers, in solution [3,4]. We also initiated industrial application of XFEL in collaboration with Toyota Motor Corp [5]. Furthermore, as recent developments in PCXSS, we report on time-resolved pump-probe measurement, temperature-controlled measurement, utilization of ~100-nm focused XFEL, etc.

Department of Energy Announces $99 Million for Small Business Research and Development Grants

STROBE’s Markus Raschke received a Phase II STTR to continue work with STROBE industry partner, Anaysis.

82 Grants Will Support Scientific Innovation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced that the Department of Energy will award 82 grants totaling $99 million to 69 small businesses in 26 states.  Funded through DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, today’s selections are for Phase II research and development.

Hands-on Python Workshop

This hands-on workshop will give students a great taste of modern scientific computing in Python using the Jupyter Notebook environment. Jupyter notebooks are executable documents that interleave narrative (rich text, math equations, figures, links) with code. The notebook workflow ties together high-level descriptions of hte analysis, code and results in a single document that is easy to share or re-run. Even beginners can read and re-run analyses modifying parameters and exploring the effect on teh results, either on the cloud or on personal computers. Int his workshop, we will interacively explore a single-molecule fluorescence microscopy video, performing tasks such as background subtraction, denoising, region of interest extraction, segmentation and analysis of blinking time-trajectories (on-off trajectories) of individual emitters. We will use numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas and more. Some basic experience with Python is preferred. The analysis will be performed on a cloud service accessed with own laptop (browser-only, no installation required).

Here is a link to workshop materials: Workshop Materials

Characterizing Disordered Solids with Electron Microscopy

Owing to their lack of long-range order, measuring local structural variation in amorphous materials is challenging. Electron microscopy is uniquely able to characterize ordering and symmetry in disordered materials at the 2-5 nm length scale, enabling new insight into this class of materials.

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