Professional Development + Mentoring
Find out more information about graduate programs at STROBE nodes, including tailored graduate programs in imaging science and applied science, and relevant courses developed by STROBE faculty.
In consultation with our advisory boards, alumni, and the SPC, we develop and refine professional development activities and workshops to better prepare students for 21st century careers. Skills include people and project management, communication, networking, entrepreneurship, leadership, intellectual property and patents, negotiation skills, and team science.
If there are professional development topics you’d like to have training on, please contact anyone on the SPC, or consider joining the SPC yourself!
Ongoing Opportunities
Student Postdoc Council (SPC)
The STROBE SPC is open to graduate students and postdocs who are interested in being part of a small group of STROBE members who meet monthly to plan relevant seminars and events for the STROBE community, provide feedback and input to STROBE leadership, and implement initiatives such as the call for Grand Challenge proposals.
Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experience in Research (CIMER)
STROBE has partnered with the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) to provide all STROBE participants with mentoring training. With four trained facilitators, we offer trainings at all nodes, either in person or virtually. If you’d like to request training for yourself or your group, please contact Ellen Keister.
IIL Project Management for Research
STROBE has partnered with the International Institute for Learning (IIL), a corporate training company recommended by our industry advisory board, to develop a project management training specifically for graduate students and postdocs in STROBE. If you are interested in learning more, and being notified when the next course is offered, please contact Ellen Keister.
Software Carpentries
STROBE has been a member of The Carpentries since 2019. Our membership includes instructor training for STROBE members. If you are interested in being trained as a Carpentries instructor, please contact Ellen Keister.
Past Professional Development Seminar Topics
STROBE seminars are recorded and archived on the members site. If you would like to suggest a seminar topic, new or repeated, please contact any SPC member!
- Introduction to StrengthsFinder and Individual Development Plans
- Science communication
- Data visualization
- Project management
- Python and Jupyter notebooks
- Mentoring strategies