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So far STROBE Admin has created 245 blog entries.

SciFilm Workshop Pt IV: Editing & Editing Platforms

Scientists of the 21st century must be able to effectively communicate their research and utilize modern media elements to stay on the cutting edge of science and share their work with the world. Science videos can spark interdisciplinary collaborations with other researchers, add a media element to one of your journal articles, raise public awareness of the value of your work, and enhance your professional profile or website.

This workshop will guide you through the basics of storyboarding, filming, and editing. Drs. Ryan Vachon and Dan Zietlow lead the workshop, drawing from their experience as hosts and producers of science shows with National Geographic and PBS. The workshop will feature Adobe Premiere for editing exercises.

Berkeley Lab Paves the Way for Real-time Ptychographic Data Streaming

CAMERA/ALS/STROBE Collaboration Yields Novel Image Data Workflow Pipeline. Now an inter-government agency funded collaboration of scientists from Berkeley Lab’s DOE-funded Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications (CAMERA), the ALS and STROBE, the National Science Foundation’s Science and Technology Center, has yielded another first-of-its-kind advance for ptychographic imaging: a software/algorithmic pipeline that enables real-time streaming of ptychographic image data during a beamline experiment, providing throughput, compression and resolution as well as rapid feedback to the user while the experiment is still running.

Hands-on Learning: CU, FLC Scientists Bring Engineering to IMS

Yes, touch it, ask questions, and learn how it works. That’s part of the hands-on science experience that University of Colorado Boulder and Fort Lewis College faculty are taking on the road, encouraging students to consider careers in engineering and technical fields.

Photos: Emerging scientists learn about light and energy

Dolores School District students… try to figure out what is in the scanning electron microscope after shining a laser beam into it on Tuesday during the Light, Energy and Imaging STEM Workshop inSitter Hall at Fort Lewis College. About 60 students in sixth through 10th grades learned about scale and real-time imaging in the Nano-World, explored photosynthesis and solar energy at the nano-scale and learned about tools that change our perspective on the universe.

New Algorithms for Phase Retrieval and Ptychography

We use splitting methods, suitably modified, to develop new and apparently successful algorithms. We seem to out-perform state-of-the-art when applied to real data obtained by working with Dr. Jianwei Miao’s research group.

Henry Kapteyn Elected as 2018 Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Henry Kapteyn has been elected as a 2018 member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He joins some of the world’s most accomplished leaders from academia, business, public affairs, the humanities, and the arts, including JILA Fellows David Nesbitt (2013), Margaret Murnane (2006), Eric Cornell (2005), and Carl Lineberger (1995), and such luminaries as Benjamin Franklin (1781), Alexander Hamilton (1791), Ralph Waldo Emerson (1864), Charles Darwin (1874), Albert Einstein (1924), and Martin Luther King, Jr. (1966).

“I am delighted to congratulate Henry on  behalf of all of JILA,” said JILA chair Thomas Perkins. “Henry, the taller half of the Kapteyn-Murnane partnership, has helped drive the development ultrafast laser sources since graduate school. His impact is seen in the application of ultrafast lasers to diverse application in attosecond non-linear optics,  molecular dynamics, and nanoscale imaging as well as the many alumni of their group that have gone on to success in both academia and industry.”

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences elected 213 individuals to the class of 2018. The new members span a wide range of disciplines and professions, and include Netflix, Inc. CEO W. Reed Hastings, Jr.;  actor Tom Hanks; 44th President of the United States Barack H. Obama, and CU professor of chemistry and biochemistry, Natalie Ahn.

Kapteyn joins one of the nation’s most prestigious organizations, which engages its members to share knowledge and address challenges facing the world. Its members make contributions to the arts, citizenship, education, energy, government, the humanities, international relations, science, and more.

“Membership in the Academy is not only an honor, but also an opportunity and a responsibility,” said Jonathan Fanton, President of the American Academy. “Members can be inspired and engaged by connecting with one another and through Academy projects dedicated to the common good. The intellect, creativity, and commitment of the 2018 Class will enrich the work of the Academy and the world in which we live.”

CU Boulder: How to Use IP to Make an Impact

If you’ve ever wondered about the different types of intellectual property (IP) and strategies using patents to make an impact, this seminar is for you. We provide you with an overview of the different types of IP, how it is managed at CU Boulder, and how the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) can help commercialize your inventions. We will also tell you about a variety of resources to help move your invention forward, regardless of whether you are interested in starting a company. This session will also discuss the importance of protecting confidential information and why a student may wish to obtain a non-disclosure agreement prior to speaking with a third party.

Please note that this seminar is specific to CU Boulder policies, but also contains a useful introduction to Intellectual Property.

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