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Congratulations to Giulia Mancini for Receiving the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Young Scientist Prize in Optics from the International Commission of Optics

December 20, 2021|International Commission for Optics|

Congratulations to Giulia Mancini for receiving the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics! In 2005 the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) created the Young Scientist Prizes for its commissions. The international Commission of Optics (ICO), as an Affiliated Commission of IUPAP, decided in 2008 to adopt the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics. The IUPAP prize in optics will be awarded annually through ICO to a scientist who has made noteworthy contributions to applied optics and photonics during a maximum of 8 years of research experience after having earned a PhD degree. Career interruptions will not be counted as time of research experience.

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Congratulations to Anne-Barrie Hunter for Being Promoted to Senior Research Associate in Ethnography & Evaluation Research at CU Boulder

December 11, 2021|University of Colorado Boulder|

Anne-Barrie Hunter has been promoted to Senior Research Associate within Ethnography & Evaluation Research at CU Boulder. Ethnography & Evaluation Research (E&ER) is an independent research unit at the University of Colorado Boulder. E&ER is skilled in conducting and disseminating research and evaluation that is useful for faculty and institutions seeking to improve their STEM education practices. Congratulations, Anne-Barrie!

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Congratulations to Mary Scott for Being named the Ted Van Duzer Endowed Professor in the UC Berkeley Department of Materials Science & Engineering

November 3, 2021|University of California Berkeley|

Congratulations to Mary Scott for Being named the Ted Van Duzer Endowed Professor in the UC Berkeley Department of Materials Science & Engineering. This professorship supports the work of a “promising non-tenured Professor in the College of Engineering”. The award also comes with financial support for Professor Scott’s research and students. The professor is named for Professor Ted Van Duzer, who is currently a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at Berkeley. Congratulations to Professor Scott for this wonderful and highly-deserved honor.

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Congratulations to Sinéad Ryan for receiving a best ORAL award at the 2021 A-round-the-Clock Around-the-World Magnetics conference

October 17, 2021|IEEE 2021 A-round-the-Clock Around-the-World Magnetics conference|

Congratulations to Sinéad Ryan for receiving a best ORAL award at the 2021 A-round-the-Clock Around-the-World Magnetics conference. Congratulations, Sinéad!

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Congratulations to Naomi Ginsberg for being elected as a 2021 APS Fellow

October 13, 2021|American Physical Society|

Congratulations to Naomi Ginsberg for being named a the innovative development of spatiotemporally resolved imaging and spectroscopy methods, and for their use in elucidating energy transport in hierarchical and heterogeneous materials, as well as in the formation and transformation of said materials.

The APS Fellowship Program was created to recognize members who may have made advances in physics through original research and publication, or made significant innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology. They may also have made significant contributions to the teaching of physics or service and participation in the activities of the Society.

Fellowship is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one’s professional peers. Each year, no more than one half of one percent of the Society’s membership (excluding student members) is recognized by their peers for election to the status of Fellow of the American Physical Society.

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Congratulations to Dr. Michael Tanksalvala for being awarded an NRC postdoctoral fellowship to work with NIST Boulder Labs

September 23, 2021|NIST|

The NIST NRC Postdoctoral Program supports a nationwide competitive postdoctoral program administered in cooperation with the National Academies/National Research Council (NRC). The postdoctoral program brings research scientists and engineers of unusual promise and ability to perform advanced research related to the NIST mission, introduces the latest university research results and techniques to NIST scientific programs, strengthens mutual communication with university researchers, shares NIST unique research facilities with the U.S. scientific and engineering communities, and provides a valuable mechanism for the transfer of research results from NIST to the scientific and engineering communities.

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Congratulations to Dr. Katie Shulenberger for Receiving the Cottrell Postdoc Fellowship

September 8, 2021|Research Corporation for Science Advancement|

Congratulations to Dr. Katie Shulenberger for being awarded a 2021-2022 Cottrell fellowship! The fellowship supports postdocs looking to move into academic positions in the COVID-19 pandemic era. As part of her fellowship responsibilities Katie will be co-teaching CHEM 1400 (Foundations of Chemistry) this semester with Dr. Dukovic.

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Congratulations to Lauren Mason for Receiving a JEDI Award for her Work on the JILA Culture & Climate Project

September 7, 2021|JILA, CU Boulder|

Congratulations to Lauren Mason for receiving a JEDI Award, which is given to individuals who have demonstrated positive impact on JILA’s culture of inclusivity and diversity whether prolonged exemplary effort, leadership in impactful activities/goals or contributing to the inclusive and diverse culture of JILA in an extraordinary way. Lauren is working with the JEDI facilitator, Gayle Geschwind, JILA Chief of Operations, Beth Kroger, and JILA’s External Consultant, Regan Byrd to better understand JILA’s culture and climate through surveys and focus groups of graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and staff. Phase two of the project will begin soon as JILA, in partnership with the JEDI committee, will begin implementing changes to address the needs voiced in the survey and focus groups.

Congratulations to Dr. Ellen Keister and Dr. Sarah Schreiner for Receiving JILA Jewels for Developing a Hybrid STROBE Summer Undergraduate Research Program in 2021

August 30, 2021|JILA, CU Boulder|

In a typical summer, STROBE partners with on-campus programs, which provide an additional community of mentors, workshops, events, and training for undergraduate research experiences. This summer, on-campus programs for research experiences for undergraduate students were not offered because of COVID-19. These JILA Jewels are awarded in recognition of Dr. Ellen Keister and Dr. Sarah Schreiner for developing and providing new Zoom trainings and workshops, individual mentoring, and social community gatherings every week this summer for over 30 students across the country.

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