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Congrats to Megan Finnigan, a STROBE Undergraduate Research Scholar, for Winning a Poster Prize at the 2021 Advanced Light Source User Meeting Student Poster Competition

August 11, 2021|Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Advanced Light Source|

Congrats to Megan Finnigan, a STROBE Undergraduate Research Scholar, for Winning a Poster Prize at the 2021 Advanced Light Source User Meeting Student Poster Competition! This summer, Megan is working with Drs. David Shapiro, Roger Falcone, and Vanessa Schoeppler at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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Congratulations to Jessica Ramella-Roman for being elected as a 2021 senior member of the Optical Society

July 29, 2021|The Optical Society (OSA)|

Senior Members of OSA are well-established individuals with a designation that recognizes their experience and professional accomplishments or service within their field that sets them apart from their peers.

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Congratulations to Jose Rodriguez for Receiving Tenure at UCLA

July 1, 2021|UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry|

Professor Jose Rodriguez received tenure at UCLA in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Congratulations, Jose!

Prof. Jose Rodriguez received his Ph. D in Molecular Biology from UCLA in 2012. He was then a Postdoctoral Researcher at UCLA and subsequently joined the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry as assistant professor in 2016.

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Congrats to Ke Xu for Receiving a Heising-Simons Faculty Fellowship

July 1, 2021|University of California Berkeley|

The Heising-Simons Faculty Fellows Program catalyzes scientific discovery by investing in high-risk, high-reward research directions. The Program supports exceptional faculty working on topics in a diverse set of fields, including astronomy, physics, geology and geophysics, materials sciences (in both physics and engineering), and physical and materials chemistry. Program awards will focus on creative and novel approaches that promise to lead to important scientific breakthroughs contributing to a greater understanding of the universe and its components, from the molecular and atomic to the geological and planetary scales, among other areas. Awards also fund the development of new tools, techniques and measurements that help probe these physical phenomena in new ways.

The Heising-Simons Faculty Fellows awards will be made to two UC Berkeley faculty members each year. Each $1M faculty award will be distributed over a period of five years. All early- and mid-career UC Berkeley faculty regardless of their home department are eligible to apply.

Prof. Xu’s project is “Single-Molecule Electrophoresis Microscopy”.

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Congrats to Dr. Marcus Gallagher-Jones for Receiving a 2021 UCLA Postdoctoral Research Award

June 4, 2021|UCLA|

Dr. Marcus Gallagher-Jones joined Professor Jose Rodriguez’s group in 2017. In the Rodriguez group he has developed pioneering methods in electron diffraction and determining important structures. “Everywhere he goes, Marcus makes a lasting positive impression on colleagues,” said Rodriguez. “He is highly regarded in our structural biology group, is an active member of our NSF-sponsored science and technology center. In short, Marcus is an outstanding colleague and an exceptional young scientist and leader”. Marcus received his bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Durham University (2010) and his Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics from the University of Liverpool (2015). While his Ph.D. was awarded by Liverpool, Marcus conducted his thesis work half-way around the world, at one of the most powerful X-ray lasers in the world – the Japanese X-ray free electron laser facility (XFEL) and synchrotron source (Spring-8).

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Congrats to Charles Dove for Receiving a Hertz Fellowship

May 18, 2021|The Fannie and John Hertz Foundation|

Charles Dove uses artificial intelligence (AI) to harness the physics of light. A PhD student in electrical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, Charles uses principles from machine learning and differentiable programming to create new methods for the simulation and fully automatic design of light-based technology. This capability would enable significant growth in the scale, scope, and capabilities of nearly all light-based technology, including biomedical imaging, cellular manipulation and characterization, optical telecommunications, photonic quantum computing, and LIDAR.

A researcher in AI since his freshman year at Clemson University, Charles is the inventor of multiple technologies that combine electromagnetic wave physics and machine learning. His method for the efficient recovery of blood-flow information from scattered laser light is currently being evaluated for potential use in optometry and brain surgery, and his method for 3D artificial vision through multi-frequency scattering offers a promising and practical alternative to conventional LIDAR.

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Congratulations to Kristina Monakhova for Receiving the EECS Demetri Angelakos Memorial Achievement Award

May 15, 2021|UC Berkeley EECS|

Presented annually to an Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences graduate student who is beyond the preliminary examination and is proceeding to a doctoral degree. The purpose of the award is to recognize students who, in addition to conducting research, unselfishly take the time to help colleagues beyond the normal cooperation existing between fellow students. The award was established in 1979 in memory of Demetri Angelakos, a UC Berkeley student working toward his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the time of his death.

The altruistic attitude of the recipient may be evidenced in the following ways: volunteering to conduct laboratory procedure sessions attended by colleagues, explaining intricate equipment usage, promoting greater research cooperation, etc. Because of the primary interests of the EECS graduate student in whose name the award was established, the general areas of solid state, optical electronics, electromagnetics and semiconductor electronics will be given first consideration.

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Congratulations to Franklin Dollar for Receiving the Tom Angell Fellowship

May 11, 2021|UCI Office of Inclusive Excellence|

The Tom Angell Fellowship is awarded annually at the Office of Inclusive Excellence’s Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence event, this fellowship is intended to honor Tom Angell’s contributions as the UCI Graduate Counselor to graduate student wellness and retention.

Awards are open to graduate students, faculty, and postdoctoral scholars.

Award recipients demonstrate outstanding mentorship by going above and beyond their normal duties to create new opportunities to mentor UCI students.

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Congrats to Leyla Kabuli for Receiving the 2021 University Medal from UC Berkeley

May 10, 2021|University of California Berkeley|

Leyla Kabuli, a senior graduating in music and electrical engineering and computer sciences, is the winner of the 2021 University Medal from UC Berkeley. The 150-year-old University Medal recognizes a graduating student’s outstanding research, public service and strength of character, and comes with a cash prize. Leyla is currently working in Laura Waller’s research group and will continue with the Waller group as a graduate student in fall 2021.

By her senior year, she was fielding offers of full graduate fellowships from Berkeley, Stanford and MIT. She’s sticking with Berkeley for graduate school. “I might be biased, but Berkeley has the best electrical engineering program in the country,” says Kabuli, who was born in Berkeley and raised in Davis, California. She also credits the campus’s culture, diversity and grit for her decision to accept the Berkeley Fellowship for Graduate Study, which provides financial support for five years. As top graduating senior, Kabuli, 21, a simultaneous degree student in EECS and music, with a perfect 4.0 GPA, will speak this Saturday, May 15, to thousands of her peers, in cap and gown, at a campus-wide virtual commencement ceremony.


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