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Congratulations to Dr. Katie Shulenberger for Receiving the Cottrell Postdoc Fellowship

September 8, 2021|Research Corporation for Science Advancement|

Congratulations to Dr. Katie Shulenberger for being awarded a 2021-2022 Cottrell fellowship! The fellowship supports postdocs looking to move into academic positions in the COVID-19 pandemic era. As part of her fellowship responsibilities Katie will be co-teaching CHEM 1400 (Foundations of Chemistry) this semester with Dr. Dukovic.

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Congratulations to Lauren Mason for Receiving a JEDI Award for her Work on the JILA Culture & Climate Project

September 7, 2021|JILA, CU Boulder|

Congratulations to Lauren Mason for receiving a JEDI Award, which is given to individuals who have demonstrated positive impact on JILA’s culture of inclusivity and diversity whether prolonged exemplary effort, leadership in impactful activities/goals or contributing to the inclusive and diverse culture of JILA in an extraordinary way. Lauren is working with the JEDI facilitator, Gayle Geschwind, JILA Chief of Operations, Beth Kroger, and JILA’s External Consultant, Regan Byrd to better understand JILA’s culture and climate through surveys and focus groups of graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and staff. Phase two of the project will begin soon as JILA, in partnership with the JEDI committee, will begin implementing changes to address the needs voiced in the survey and focus groups.

Congratulations to Dr. Ellen Keister and Dr. Sarah Schreiner for Receiving JILA Jewels for Developing a Hybrid STROBE Summer Undergraduate Research Program in 2021

August 30, 2021|JILA, CU Boulder|

In a typical summer, STROBE partners with on-campus programs, which provide an additional community of mentors, workshops, events, and training for undergraduate research experiences. This summer, on-campus programs for research experiences for undergraduate students were not offered because of COVID-19. These JILA Jewels are awarded in recognition of Dr. Ellen Keister and Dr. Sarah Schreiner for developing and providing new Zoom trainings and workshops, individual mentoring, and social community gatherings every week this summer for over 30 students across the country.

Congrats to Megan Finnigan, a STROBE Undergraduate Research Scholar, for Winning a Poster Prize at the 2021 Advanced Light Source User Meeting Student Poster Competition

August 11, 2021|Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Advanced Light Source|

Congrats to Megan Finnigan, a STROBE Undergraduate Research Scholar, for Winning a Poster Prize at the 2021 Advanced Light Source User Meeting Student Poster Competition! This summer, Megan is working with Drs. David Shapiro, Roger Falcone, and Vanessa Schoeppler at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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Congratulations to Jessica Ramella-Roman for being elected as a 2021 senior member of the Optical Society

July 29, 2021|The Optical Society (OSA)|

Senior Members of OSA are well-established individuals with a designation that recognizes their experience and professional accomplishments or service within their field that sets them apart from their peers.

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Congratulations to Jose Rodriguez for Receiving Tenure at UCLA

July 1, 2021|UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry|

Professor Jose Rodriguez received tenure at UCLA in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Congratulations, Jose!

Prof. Jose Rodriguez received his Ph. D in Molecular Biology from UCLA in 2012. He was then a Postdoctoral Researcher at UCLA and subsequently joined the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry as assistant professor in 2016.

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Congrats to Ke Xu for Receiving a Heising-Simons Faculty Fellowship

July 1, 2021|University of California Berkeley|

The Heising-Simons Faculty Fellows Program catalyzes scientific discovery by investing in high-risk, high-reward research directions. The Program supports exceptional faculty working on topics in a diverse set of fields, including astronomy, physics, geology and geophysics, materials sciences (in both physics and engineering), and physical and materials chemistry. Program awards will focus on creative and novel approaches that promise to lead to important scientific breakthroughs contributing to a greater understanding of the universe and its components, from the molecular and atomic to the geological and planetary scales, among other areas. Awards also fund the development of new tools, techniques and measurements that help probe these physical phenomena in new ways.

The Heising-Simons Faculty Fellows awards will be made to two UC Berkeley faculty members each year. Each $1M faculty award will be distributed over a period of five years. All early- and mid-career UC Berkeley faculty regardless of their home department are eligible to apply.

Prof. Xu’s project is “Single-Molecule Electrophoresis Microscopy”.

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Congrats to Dr. Marcus Gallagher-Jones for Receiving a 2021 UCLA Postdoctoral Research Award

June 4, 2021|UCLA|

Dr. Marcus Gallagher-Jones joined Professor Jose Rodriguez’s group in 2017. In the Rodriguez group he has developed pioneering methods in electron diffraction and determining important structures. “Everywhere he goes, Marcus makes a lasting positive impression on colleagues,” said Rodriguez. “He is highly regarded in our structural biology group, is an active member of our NSF-sponsored science and technology center. In short, Marcus is an outstanding colleague and an exceptional young scientist and leader”. Marcus received his bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Durham University (2010) and his Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics from the University of Liverpool (2015). While his Ph.D. was awarded by Liverpool, Marcus conducted his thesis work half-way around the world, at one of the most powerful X-ray lasers in the world – the Japanese X-ray free electron laser facility (XFEL) and synchrotron source (Spring-8).

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