STROBE Publications

Showing publications 501 – 520 of 520



In Situ Observation of Cooling in a Bismuth Telluride and Bismuth-Antimony Telluride Nanoscale Heterojunction

G. Bal, M. Mecklenburg, W. A. Hubbard, B. Vareskic, B. Zutter, S. Aloni, B. C. Regan, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23, 1996-1997, (2017).

Atomic structure of the human cytomegalovirus capsid with its securing tegument layer of pp150

X. Yu, J. Jih, J. Jiang, Z. Hong Zhou, Science, 356, eaam6892, (2017).

Extremely Wide Field of View Tabletop Ptychographic Imaging with 12.7 nm Illumination

C. L. Porter, M. Tanksalvala, M. Gerrity, G. P. Miley, X. Zhang, C. S. Bevis, E. R. Shanblatt, R. Karl, G. F. Mancini, D. A. Adams, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, Imaging and Applied Optics 2017 (3D, AIO, COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), (2017).

Stroboscopic Imaging of Acoustic Waves in Nanostructures using Tabletop High Harmonics

R. Karl, G. Mancini, D. Gardner, J. Knobloch, T. Frazer, J. N. Hernandez-Charpak, B. Mayor, E. Shanblatt, M. Tanksalvala, C. Porter, C. Bevis, D. Adams, H. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, Imaging and Applied Optics 2017 (3D, AIO, COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), (2017).

Sub-wavelength 12.6nm Resolution Using a Tabletop High Harmonic Coherent Diffractive Microscope

C. Bevis, D. F. Gardner, M. Tanksalvala, E. R. Shanblatt, X. Zhang, B. R. Galloway, C. R. Porter, R. Karl, G. F. Mancini, D. E. Adams, H. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, Imaging and Applied Optics 2017 (3D, AIO, COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), (2017).

Reliable computational design of biological-inorganic materials to the large nanometer scale using Interface-FF

C. C. Dharmawardhana, K. Kanhaiya, T. Lin, A. Garley, M. R. Knecht, J. Zhou, J. Miao, H. Heinz, Molecular Simulation, 43, 1394-1405, (2017).

Correlative cellular ptychography with functionalized nanoparticles at the Fe L-edge

M. Gallagher-Jones, C. Dias, A. Pryor, K. Bouchmella, L. Zhao, Y. Lo, M. Cardoso, D. Shapiro, J. Rodriguez, J. Miao, Scientific Reports, 4757, (2017).

Imaging the spatial modulation of a relativistic electron beam

C. Zhang, D. Cesar, W. Graves, C. Limborg, L. Malin, J. Maxson, P. Musumeci, E. Nanni, J. Spence, A. Urbanowicz, Proceedings of the 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf., Denmark, (2017).

Enhanced information content for three-dimensional localization and tracking using the double-helix point spread function with variable-angle illumination epifluorescence microscopy

D. Wang, A. Agrawal, R. Piestun, D. K. Schwartz, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 211107, (2017).

Full-Field Functional Imaging of Nanoscale Dynamics Using Tabletop High Harmonics

R. M. Karl, G. F. Mancini, D. Gardner, E. Shanblatt, J. Knobloch, T. Frazer, J. Hernandez-Charpak, B. Abad Mayor, M. Tanksalvala, C. Porter, C. Bevis, D. Adams, H. Kapteyn, M. Murnane, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (2017).

GENFIRE: A generalized Fourier iterative reconstruction algorithm for high-resolution 3D imaging

A. Pryor, Y. Yang, A. Rana, M. Gallagher-Jones, J. Zhou, Y. Lo, G. Melinte, W. Chiu, J. A. Rodriguez, J. Miao, Scientific Reports, 7, 10409 , (2017).

Sub-wavelength coherent imaging of periodic samples using a 13.5 nm tabletop high harmonic light source

D. F. Gardner, M. Tanksalvala, E. R. Shanblatt, X. Zhang, B. R. Galloway, C. L. Porter, R. Karl Jr, C. Bevis, D. E. Adams, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, G. F. Mancini, Nature Photonics, 11, 259-263, (2017).

Double-shot MeV electron diffraction and microscopy

P. P. Musumeci, D. D. Cesar, J. J. Maxson, Structural Dynamics, 4, 044025, (2017).

Deciphering chemical order/disorder and material properties at the single-atom level

Y. Yang, C. Chen, M. C. Scott, C. Ophus, R. Xu, A. Pryor, L. Wu, F. Sun, W. Theis, J. Zhou, M. Eisenbach, P. C. Kent, R. F. Sabirianov, H. Zeng, P. Ercius, J. Miao, Nature, 542, 75-79, (2017).



Corrigendum: CryoEM structure of the Methanospirillum hungatei archaellum reveals structural features distinct from the bacterial flagellum and type IV pilus

N. Poweleit, P. Ge, H. H. Nguyen, R. R. Ogorzalek Loo, R. P. Gunsalus, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Microbiology, 2, 16264, (2016).

In situ structures of the genome and genome-delivery apparatus in a single-stranded RNA virus

X. Dai, Z. Li, M. Lai, S. Shu, Y. Du, Z. Hong Zhou, R. Sun, Nature, 541, 112-116, (2016).

Frontier methods in coherent X-ray diffraction for high-resolution structure determination

M. Gallagher-Jones, J. A. Rodriguez, J. Miao, Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 49, (2016).

CryoEM structure of the Methanospirillum hungatei archaellum reveals structural features distinct from the bacterial flagellum and type IV pilus

N. Poweleit, P. Ge, H. H. Nguyen, R. R. Ogorzalek Loo, R. P. Gunsalus, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Microbiology, 2, 16222, (2016).

Infrared vibrational nanocrystallography and nanoimaging

E. A. Muller, B. Pollard, H. A. Bechtel, P. van Blerkom, M. B. Raschke, Science Advances, 2, e1601006, (2016).



Machine Learning Pipeline for Segmentation and Defect Identification from High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Data

C. K. Groschner, C. Choi, M. C. Scott, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 1-8, (2021).
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