STROBE Publications

Showing publications 301 – 350 of 403



Ultrasensitive Tip- and Antenna-Enhanced Infrared Nanoscopy of Protein Complexes

B. T. O’Callahan, M. Hentschel, M. B. Raschke, P. Z. El-Khoury, A. tt Lea, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 17505-17509, (2019).

Advances in in situ nanomechanical testing

A. M. Minor, G. Dehm, MRS Bulletin, 44, 438-442, (2019).

Deep learning for single-shot autofocus microscopy

H. Pinkard, Z. Phillips, A. Babakhani, D. A. Fletcher, L. Waller, Optica, 6, 794, (2019).

Direct observation of picosecond melting and disintegration of metallic nanoparticles

Y. Ihm, D. Cho, D. Sung, D. Nam, C. Jung, T. Sato, S. Kim, J. Park, S. Kim, M. Gallagher-Jones, Y. Kim, R. Xu, S. Owada, J. Shim, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, J. Miao, D. Noh, C. Song, Nature Communications, 10, 2411, (2019).

Cryo-EM structures of herpes simplex virus type 1 portal vertex and packaged genome

Y. Liu, J. Jih, X. Dai, G. Bi, Z. ng Zhou, Nature, 570, 257-261, (2019).

Ultrafast Relativistic Electron Nanoprobes

F. F. Ji, D. B. Durham, A. M. Minor, P. P. Musumeci, J. G. Navarro, D. D. Filippetto, Communications Physics, 2, 54, (2019).

In situ structures of rotavirus polymerase in action and mechanism of mRNA transcription and release

K. Ding, C. C. Celma, X. Zhang, T. Chang, W. Shen, I. Atanasov, P. Roy, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Communications, 10, 2216, (2019).

Elastin-Dependent Aortic Heart Valve Leaflet Curvature Changes During Cyclic Flexure

M. D. Tesfamariam, A. M. Mirza, D. Chaparro, A. Z. Ali, R. Montalvan, I. Saytashev, B. A. Gonzalez, A. Barreto, J. Ramella-Roman, J. D. Hutcheson, S. Ramaswamy, Bioengineering, 6, 39, (2019).

Spectral image scanning microscopy

F. Strasser, M. Offterdinger, R. Piestun, A. Jesacher, Biomedical Optics Express, 10, 2513, (2019).

Moments reconstruction and local dynamic range compression of high order superresolution optical fluctuation imaging

X. Yi, S. Son, R. Ando, A. Miyawaki, S. Weiss, Biomedical Optics Express, 10, 2430, (2019).

Information-rich localization microscopy through machine learning

T. Kim, S. Moon, K. Xu, Nature Communications, 10, 1996, (2019).

Investigating the dynamics of ontological reasoning across contexts in quantum physics

J. R. Hoehn, J. D. Gifford, N. D. Finkelstein, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15, 010124, (2019).

Structure of the human ClC-1 chloride channel

K. Wang, S. Preisler, L. Zhang, Y. Cui, J. Missel, C. Grønberg, K. Gotfryd, E. Lindahl, M. Andersson, K. Calloe, P. F. Egea, D. Klaerke, M. Pusch, P. Pedersen, Z. Hong Zhou, P. Gourdon, PLOS Biology, 17, e3000218, (2019).

A 3.8 Å resolution cryo-EM structure of a small protein bound to an imaging scaffold

Y. Liu, D. T. Huynh, T. O. Yeates, Nature Communications, 10, 1864, (2019).

Fostering sustainable improvements in science education: An analysis through four frames

D. L. Reinholz, C. Ngai, G. Quan, M. E. Pilgrim, J. C. Corbo, N. Finkelstein, Science Education, 103, 1125-1150, (2019).

Advanced denoising for X-ray ptychography

H. Chang, P. Enfedaque, J. Zhang, J. Reinhardt, B. Enders, Y. Yu, D. Shapiro, C. G. Schroer, T. Zeng, S. Marchesini, Optics Express, 27, 10395, (2019).

Infrared nanospectroscopic imaging in the rotating frame

S. C. Johnson, E. A. Muller, O. Khatib, E. A. Bonnin, A. C. Gagnon, M. B. Raschke, Optica, 6, 424, (2019).

Recent advances in ultrafast X-ray sources

R. Schoenlein, T. Elsaesser, K. Holldack, Z. Huang, H. Kapteyn, M. Murnane, M. Woerner, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 377, 20180384, (2019).

pH-dependent gating mechanism of the Helicobacter pylori urea channel revealed by cryo-EM

Y. Cui, K. Zhou, D. Strugatsky, Y. Wen, G. Sachs, Z. Hong Zhou, K. Munson, Science Advances, 5, eaav8423, (2019).

Physics-based Learned Design: Optimized Coded-Illumination for Quantitative Phase Imaging

M. R. Kellman, E. Bostan, N. A. Repina, L. Waller, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 344-353, (2019).

Optical phantoms for biomedical polarimetry: a review

J. Chue-Sang, M. Gonzalez, A. Pierre, M. Laughrey, I. Saytashev, T. Novikova, J. C. Ramella-Roman, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 24, 1, (2019).

Homochiral and racemic MicroED structures of a peptide repeat from the ice-nucleation protein InaZ

C. Zee, C. Glynn, M. Gallagher-Jones, J. Miao, C. G. Santiago, D. Cascio, T. Gonen, M. R. Sawaya, J. A. Rodriguez, IUCrJ, 6, 197-205, (2019).

Excitation and Emission Transition Dipoles of Type-II Semiconductor Nanorods

S. Ghosh, A. M. Chizhik, G. Yang, N. Karedla, I. Gregor, D. Oron, S. Weiss, J. Enderlein, A. I. Chizhik, Nano Letters, 19, 1695-1700, (2019).

Atomic structures and deletion mutant reveal different capsid-binding patterns and functional significance of tegument protein pp150 in murine and human cytomegaloviruses with implications for therapeutic development

W. Liu, X. Dai, J. Jih, K. Chan, P. Trang, X. Yu, R. Balogun, Y. Mei, F. Liu, Z. Hong Zhou, PLOS Pathogens, 15, e1007615, (2019).

Atomic structure of the translation regulatory protein NS1 of bluetongue virus

A. Kerviel, P. Ge, M. Lai, J. Jih, M. Boyce, X. Zhang, Z. Hong Zhou, P. Roy, Nature Microbiology, 4, 837-845, (2019).

Engineering Nanoscale Thermal Transport: Size- and Spacing-Dependent Cooling of Nanostructures

T. D. Frazer, J. L. Knobloch, K. M. Hoogeboom-Pot, D. Nardi, W. Chao, R. W. Falcone, M. M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn, J. N. Hernandez-Charpak, Physical Review Applied, 11, 024042, (2019).

Two-photon PSF-engineered image scanning microscopy

O. Tzang, D. Feldkhun, A. Agrawal, A. Jesacher, R. Piestun, Optics Letters, 44, 895, (2019).

Focusability of laser pulses at petawatt transport intensities in thin-film compression

D. M. Farinella, J. J. Wheeler, A. E. Hussein, J. J. Nees, M. M. Stanfield, N. N. Beier, Y. Y. Ma, G. G. Cojocaru, R. R. Ungureanu, M. M. Pittman, J. J. Demailly, E. E. Baynard, R. R. Fabbri, M. M. Masruri, R. R. Secareanu, A. A. Naziru, R. R. Dabu, A. A. Maksimchuk, K. K. Krushelnick, D. D. Ros, G. G. Mourou, T. T. Tajima, F. F. Dollar, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 36, A28, (2018).

Temporal magnification for streaked ultrafast electron diffraction and microscopy

D. D. Cesar, P. P. Musumeci, Ultramicroscopy, 199, 1-6, (2019).

Generalized proximal smoothing (GPS) for phase retrieval

M. Pham, P. Yin, A. Rana, S. Osher, J. Miao, Optics Express, 17, 2792-2808, (2019).

Nanoscale mosaicity revealed in peptide microcrystals by scanning electron nanodiffraction

M. Gallagher-Jones, C. Ophus, K. C. Bustillo, D. R. Boyer, O. Panova, C. Glynn, C. Zee, J. Ciston, K. Mancia, A. M. Minor, J. A. Rodriguez, Communications Biology, 2, 26, (2019).

Focusing and scanning through scattering media in microseconds

D. Feldkhun, O. Tzang, K. H. Wagner, R. Piestun, Optica, 6, 72, (2019).

Blended coarse gradient descent for full quantization of deep neural networks

P. Yin, S. Zhang, J. Lyu, S. Osher, Y. Qi, J. Xin, Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 6, 14, (2019).

Atomic structures of enterovirus D68 in complex with two monoclonal antibodies define distinct mechanisms of viral neutralization

Q. Zheng, R. Zhu, L. Xu, M. He, X. Yan, D. Liu, Z. Yin, Y. Wu, Y. Li, L. Yang, W. Hou, S. Li, Z. Li, Z. Chen, Z. Li, H. Yu, Y. Gu, J. Zhang, T. S. Baker, Z. Hong Zhou, B. S. Graham, T. Cheng, S. Li, N. Xia, Nature Microbiology, 4, 124-133, (2018).



Ptychographic amplitude and phase reconstruction of bichromatic vortex beams

Y. Esashi, C. T. Liao, B. Wang, N. Brooks, K. M. Dorney, C. Hernández-García, H. Kapteyn, D. Adams, M. Murnane, Optics Express, 26, 34007, (2018).

Quantitative differential phase contrast (DPC) microscopy with computational aberration correction

M. Chen, Z. F. Phillips, L. Waller, Optics Express, 26, 32888-32899, (2018).

Different functional states of fusion protein gB revealed on human cytomegalovirus by cryo electron tomography with Volta phase plate

Z. Si, J. Zhang, S. Shivakoti, I. Atanasov, C. Tao, W. H. Hui, K. Zhou, X. Yu, W. Li, M. Luo, G. Bi, Z. Hong Zhou, PLOS Pathogens, 14, e1007452, (2018).

Atomic-Scale Structure and Stress Release Mechanism in Core–Shell Nanoparticles

M. Nathanson, K. Kanhaiya, A. Pryor, J. Miao, H. Heinz, ACS Nano, 12, 12296 - 12304, (2018).

Correlative 3D x-ray fluorescence and ptychographic tomography of frozen-hydrated green algae

J. Deng, Y. Lo, M. Gallagher-Jones, S. Chen, A. Pryor, Q. Jin, Y. Hong, Y. G. Nashed, S. Vogt, J. Miao, C. Jacobsen, Science Advances, 4, eaau4548, (2018).

STEM Imaging with Beam-Induced Hole and Secondary Electron Currents

W. A. Hubbard, M. Mecklenburg, H. Chan, B. C. Regan, Physical Review Applied, 10, (2018).

Full-field imaging of thermal and acoustic dynamics in an individual nanostructure using tabletop high harmonic beams

R. M. Karl, G. F. Mancini, J. L. Knobloch, T. D. Frazer, J. N. Hernandez-Charpak, B. Abad, D. F. Gardner, E. R. Shanblatt, M. Tanksalvala, C. L. Porter, C. S. Bevis, D. E. Adams, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, Science Advances, 4, eaau4295, (2018).

Motion-resolved quantitative phase imaging

M. Kellman, M. Chen, Z. F. Phillips, M. Lustig, L. Waller, Biomedical Optics Express, 9, 5456, (2018).

Characterizing the Quantum-Confined Stark Effect in Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Nanorods for Single-Molecule Electrophysiology

Y. Kuo, J. Li, X. Michalet, A. Chizhik, N. Meir, O. Bar-Elli, E. Chan, D. Oron, J. Enderlein, S. Weiss, ACS Photonics, 5, 4788-4800, (2018).

Structural insights on TRPV5 gating by endogenous modulators

T. T. Hughes, R. A. Pumroy, A. Yazici, M. A. Kasimova, E. C. Fluck, K. W. Huynh, A. Samanta, S. K. Molugu, Z. Hong Zhou, V. Carnevale, T. Rohacs, V. Y. Moiseenkova-Bell, Nature Communications, 9, 4198, (2018).

Dynamic 2D implementation of 3D diffractive optics

H. Wang, R. Piestun, Optica, 5, 1220, (2018).

Discovery and structural characterization of a therapeutic antibody against coxsackievirus A10

R. Zhu, L. Xu, Q. Zheng, Y. Cui, S. Li, M. He, Z. Yin, D. Liu, S. Li, Z. Li, Z. Chen, H. Yu, Y. Que, C. Liu, Z. Kong, J. Zhang, T. S. Baker, X. Yan, Z. Hong Zhou, T. Cheng, N. Xia, Science Advances, 4, eaat7459, (2018).

Synergizing superresolution optical fluctuation imaging with single molecule localization microscopy

S. Schidorsky, X. Yi, Y. Razvag, J. Sajman, K. Hermon, S. Weiss, E. Sherman, Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 6, 045008, (2018).

Electron Ghost Imaging

S. S. Li, F. F. Cropp, K. K. Kabra, T. J. Lane, G. G. Wetzstein, P. P. Musumeci, D. D. Ratner, Physical Review Letters, 121, 114801, (2018).

Malaria parasite translocon structure and mechanism of effector export

C. Ho, J. R. Beck, M. Lai, Y. Cui, D. E. Goldberg, P. F. Egea, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature, 561, 70 - 75, (2018).

Cryo-EM of full-length α-synuclein reveals fibril polymorphs with a common structural kernel

B. Li, P. Ge, K. A. Murray, P. Sheth, M. Zhang, G. Nair, M. R. Sawaya, W. Shin, D. R. Boyer, S. Ye, D. S. Eisenberg, Z. Hong Zhou, L. Jiang, Nature Communications, 9, 3609, (2018).
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