STROBE Publications

Showing publications 201 – 250 of 388



Tilted fluctuation electron microscopy

E. Kennedy, N. Reynolds, L. Rangel DaCosta, F. Hellman, C. Ophus, M. C. Scott, Applied Physics Letters, 117, 091903, (2020).

Process of transforming of an introductory mechanics lab course at Fort Lewis College

A. Werth, H. J. Lewandowski, 2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, (2020).

Potential of Attosecond Coherent Diffractive Imaging

A. Rana, J. Zhang, M. Pham, A. Yuan, Y. Lo, H. Jiang, S. J. Osher, J. Miao, Physical Review Letters, 125, 086101, (2020).

Engineering Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Targeted Alpha Therapy against Breast Cancer

R. M. Pallares, P. Agbo, X. Liu, D. D. An, S. S. Gauny, S. E. Zeltmann, A. M. Minor, R. J. Abergel, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 40078-40084, (2020).

Structural basis for STAT2 suppression by flavivirus NS5

B. Wang, S. Thurmond, K. Zhou, M. T. Sánchez-Aparicio, J. Fang, J. Lu, L. Gao, W. Ren, Y. Cui, E. C. Veit, H. Hong, M. J. Evans, S. E. O’Leary, A. García-Sastre, Z. Hong Zhou, R. Hai, J. Song, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, (2020).

Attosecond light science and its application for probing quantum materials

X. Shi, C. Liao, Z. Tao, E. Cating-Subramanian, M. Murnane, C. Hernández-García, H. Kapteyn, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 53, 184008, (2020).

Liquid-like Interfaces Mediate Structural Phase Transitions in Lead Halide Perovskites

C. G. Bischak, M. Lai, Z. Fan, D. Lu, P. David, D. Dong, H. Chen, A. S. Etman, T. Lei, J. Sun, M. Grünwald, D. T. Limmer, P. Yang, N. S. Ginsberg, Matter, 3, 534-545, (2020).

Electron-Transparent Thermoelectric Coolers Demonstrated with Nanoparticle and Condensation Thermometry

W. A. Hubbard, M. Mecklenburg, J. J. Lodico, Y. Chen, X. Ling, R. Patil, W. ew Kessel, G. K. Flatt, H. Chan, B. Vareskic, G. Bal, B. Zutter, B. C. Regan, ACS Nano, 11510-11517, (2020).

Atomic Structures of Anthrax Prechannel Bound with Full-Length Lethal and Edema Factors

K. Zhou, S. Liu, N. J. Hardenbrook, Y. Cui, B. A. Krantz, Z. Hong Zhou, Structure, 28, 879-887.e3, (2020).

Synchrotron infrared nano-spectroscopy and -imaging

H. A. Bechtel, S. C. Johnson, O. Khatib, E. A. Muller, M. B. Raschke, Surface Science Reports, 75, 100493, (2020).

Fragment-based determination of a proteinase K structure from MicroED data using ARCIMBOLDO_SHREDDER

L. S. Richards, C. Millán, J. Miao, M. W. Martynowycz, M. R. Sawaya, T. Gonen, R. J. Borges, I. Usón, J. A. Rodriguez, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology, 76, 703-712, (2020).

Structures of capsid and capsid-associated tegument complex inside the Epstein–Barr virus

W. Liu, Y. Cui, C. Wang, Z. Li, D. Gong, X. Dai, G. Bi, R. Sun, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Microbiology, 5, 1285-1298, (2020).

Disorder recovers the Wiedemann-Franz law in the metallic phase of VO2

L. Jin, S. E. Zeltmann, H. Choe, H. Liu, F. I. Allen, A. M. Minor, J. Wu, Physical Review B, 102, 041120(R), (2020).

Extreme ultraviolet microscope characterization using photomask surface roughness

G. Gunjala, A. Wojdyla, S. Sherwin, A. Shanker, M. P. Benk, K. A. Goldberg, P. P. Naulleau, L. Waller, Scientific Reports, 10, 11673, (2020).

Full characterization of ultrathin 5-nm low- k dielectric bilayers: Influence of dopants and surfaces on the mechanical properties

T. D. Frazer, J. L. Knobloch, J. N. Hernández-Charpak, K. M. Hoogeboom-Pot, D. Nardi, S. Yazdi, W. Chao, E. H. Anderson, M. K. Tripp, S. W. King, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, B. Abad, Physical Review Materials, 4, 073603, (2020).

Interpretable molecular models for molybdenum disulfide and insight into selective peptide recognition

J. Liu, J. Zeng, C. Zhu, J. Miao, Y. Huang, H. Heinz, Chemical Science, (2020).

Structural basis for capsid recruitment and coat formation during HSV-1 nuclear egress

E. B. Draganova, J. Zhang, Z. Hong Zhou, E. E. Heldwein, eLife, 9, e56627, (2020).

Photoinduced phase separation in the lead halides is a polaronic effect

D. T. Limmer, N. S. Ginsberg, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152, 230901, (2020).

Direct Correlation of Single-Particle Motion to Amorphous Microstructural Components of Semicrystalline Poly(ethylene oxide) Electrolytic Films

T. D. Roberts, R. Yuan, L. Xiang, M. Delor, R. Pokhrel, K. Yang, E. Aqad, T. Marangoni, P. Trefonas, K. Xu, N. S. Ginsberg, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11, 4849-4858, (2020).

Deep phase decoder: self-calibrating phase microscopy with an untrained deep neural network

E. Bostan, R. Heckel, M. Chen, M. Kellman, L. Waller, Optica, 7, 559, (2020).

Genome organization and interaction with capsid protein in a multipartite RNA virus

C. Beren, Y. Cui, A. Chakravarty, X. Yang, A. L. N. Rao, C. M. Knobler, Z. Hong Zhou, W. M. Gelbart, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 10673-10680, (2020).

Atomic structures determined from digitally defined nanocrystalline regions

M. Gallagher-Jones, K. C. Bustillo, C. Ophus, L. S. Richards, J. Ciston, S. Lee, A. M. Minor, J. A. Rodriguez, IUCrJ, 7, (2020).

In Liquid Infrared Scattering Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy for Chemical and Biological Nanoimaging

B. T. O’Callahan, K. Park, I. V. Novikova, T. Jian, C. Chen, E. A. Muller, P. Z. El-Khoury, M. B. Raschke, A. S. Lea, Nano Letters, 20, 4497-4504, (2020).

Dynamic single-cell intracellular pH sensing using a SERS-active nanopipette

J. Guo, A. Sesena Rubfiaro, Y. Lai, J. Moscoso, F. Chen, Y. Liu, X. Wang, J. He, The Analyst, 145, 4852-4859, (2020).

Multi-layer Born multiple-scattering model for 3D phase microscopy

M. Chen, D. Ren, H. Liu, S. Chowdhury, L. Waller, Optica, 7, 394, (2020).

Spatially Resolved Exciton and Charge Transport in Emerging Semiconductors

N. S. Ginsberg, W. A. Tisdale, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 71, (2020).

Self validating Mueller matrix Micro–Mesoscope (SAMMM) for the characterization of biological media

I. Saytashev, S. Saha, J. Chue-Sang, P. Lopez, M. Laughrey, J. C. Ramella-Roman, Optics Letters, 45, 2168, (2020).

Action of a minimal contractile bactericidal nanomachine

P. Ge, D. Scholl, N. S. Prokhorov, J. Avaylon, M. M. Shneider, C. Browning, S. A. Buth, M. Plattner, U. Chakraborty, K. Ding, P. G. Leiman, J. F. Miller, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature, 580, 658-662, (2020).

Azimuthal multiplexing 3D diffractive optics

H. Wang, R. Piestun, Scientific Reports, 10, 6438 , (2020).

Development of Lipid-Coated Semiconductor Nanosensors for Recording of Membrane Potential in Neurons

A. Ludwig, P. Serna, L. Morgenstein, G. Yang, O. Bar-Elli, G. Ortiz, E. Miller, D. Oron, A. Grupi, S. Weiss, A. Triller, ACS Photonics, 7, 1141-1152, (2020).

Cryo-EM structure of a human prion fibril with a hydrophobic, protease-resistant core

C. Glynn, M. R. Sawaya, P. Ge, M. Gallagher-Jones, C. W. Short, R. Bowman, M. Apostol, Z. Hong Zhou, D. S. Eisenberg, J. A. Rodriguez, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 27, 417-423, (2020).

Heterogeneous Cation–Lattice Interaction and Dynamics in Triple-Cation Perovskites Revealed by Infrared Vibrational Nanoscopy

J. Nishida, A. H. Alfaifi, T. P. Gray, S. E. Shaheen, M. B. Raschke, ACS Energy Letters, 5, 1636-1643, (2020).

Atomic electron tomography in three and four dimensions

J. Zhou, Y. Yang, P. Ercius, J. Miao, MRS Bulletin, 45, 290-297, (2020).

Reactive modeling of Mo3Si oxidation and resulting silica morphology

C. C. Dharmawardhana, J. Zhou, M. Taylor, J. Miao, J. H. Perepezko, H. Heinz, Acta Materialia, 187, 93-102, (2020).

Development of Multifunctional Biopolymeric Auto-Fluorescent Micro- and Nanogels as a Platform for Biomedical Applications

A. Vashist, V. Atluri, A. Raymond, A. Kaushik, T. Parira, Z. Huang, A. Durygin, A. Tomitaka, R. Nikkhah-Moshaie, A. Vashist, M. Agudelo, H. S. Chand, I. Saytashev, J. C. Ramella-Roman, M. Nair, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8, (2020).

Low Dimensional Manifold Model in Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction

W. Zhu, Z. Shi, S. Osher, Hyperspectral Image Analysis, 295-317, (2020).

Carrier Diffusion Lengths Exceeding 1 μm Despite Trap-Limited Transport in Halide Double Perovskites

M. Delor, A. H. Slavney, N. R. Wolf, M. R. Filip, J. B. Neaton, H. I. Karunadasa, N. S. Ginsberg, ACS Energy Letters, 5, 1337-1345, (2020).

Nondestructive measurements of the mechanical and structural properties of nanostructured metalattices

B. Abad, J. L. Knobloch, T. D. Frazer, J. N. Hernández-Charpak, H. Y. Cheng, A. J. Grede, N. C. Giebink, T. E. Mallouk, P. Mahale, N. N. Nova, A. A. Tomaschke, V. L. Ferguson, V. H. Crespi, V. Gopalan, H. C. Kapteyn, J. V. Badding, M. M. Murnane, Nano Letters, (2020).

Sub-acoustic resolution optical focusing through scattering using photoacoustic fluctuation guided wavefront shaping

M. A. Inzunza-Ibarra, E. Premillieu, C. Grünsteidl, R. Piestun, T. W. Murray, Optics Express, 28, 9823-9832, (2020).

Resolving Enhanced Mn2+ Luminescence near the Surface of CsPbCl3 with Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence Imaging

R. B. Wai, N. Ramesh, C. D. Aiello, J. G. Raybin, S. E. Zeltmann, C. G. Bischak, E. Barnard, S. Aloni, D. nk Ogletree, A. M. Minor, N. S. Ginsberg, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11, 2624-2629, (2020).

Computationally aided, entropy-driven synthesis of highly efficient and durable multi-elemental alloy catalysts

Y. Yao, Z. Liu, P. Xie, Z. Huang, T. Li, D. Morris, Z. Finfrock, J. Zhou, M. Jiao, J. Gao, Y. Mao, J. Miao, P. Zhang, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, C. Wang, G. Wang, L. Hu, Science Advances, 6, eaaz0510, (2020).

On-chip fluorescence microscopy with a random microlens diffuser

G. Kuo, F. Linda Liu, I. Grossrubatscher, R. Ng, L. Waller, Optics Express, 28, 8384-8399, (2020).

Correlating the three-dimensional atomic defects and electronic properties of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides

X. Tian, D. S. Kim, S. Yang, C. J. Ciccarino, Y. Gong, Y. Yang, Y. Yang, B. Duschatko, Y. Yuan, P. M. Ajayan, J. Idrobo, P. Narang, J. Miao, Nature Materials, (2020).

Vibrational exciton nanoimaging of phases and domains in porphyrin nanocrystals

E. A. Muller, T. P. Gray, Z. Zhou, X. Cheng, O. Khatib, H. A. Bechtel, M. B. Raschke, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 7030-7037, (2020).

Posttranslational Modifications Mediate the Structural Diversity of Tauopathy Strains

T. Arakhamia, C. E. Lee, Y. Carlomagno, D. M. Duong, S. R. Kundinger, K. Wang, D. Williams, M. DeTure, D. W. Dickson, C. N. Cook, N. T. Seyfried, L. Petrucelli, A. P. Fitzpatrick, Cell, 180, 633-644.e12, (2020).

Mapping photocathode quantum efficiency with ghost imaging

K. K. Kabra, S. S. Li, F. F. Cropp, T. J. Lane, P. P. Musumeci, D. D. Ratner, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 23, 022803, (2020).

Atomic structures of anthrax toxin protective antigen channels bound to partially unfolded lethal and edema factors

N. J. Hardenbrook, S. Liu, K. Zhou, K. Ghosal, Z. Hong Zhou, B. A. Krantz, Nature Communications, 11, 840, (2020).

How mouse RAG recombinase avoids DNA transposition

X. Chen, Y. Cui, H. Wang, Z. Hong Zhou, M. Gellert, W. Yang, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 27, 127-133, (2020).

Cutting antiparallel DNA strands in a single active site

X. Chen, Y. Cui, R. B. Best, H. Wang, Z. Hong Zhou, W. Yang, M. Gellert, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 27, 119-126, (2020).
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