STROBE Publications

Showing publications 101 – 150 of 386



Assessing student engagement with teamwork in an online, large-enrollment course-based undergraduate research experience in physics

A. Werth, K. Oliver, C. G. West, H. J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 18, 020128, (2022).

Structural consequences of sequence variation in mammalian prion β2α2 loop segments

C. Glynn, E. Hernandez, M. Gallagher-Jones, J. Miao, C. J. Sigurdson, J. A. Rodriguez, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, (2022).

Atomic model of vesicular stomatitis virus and mechanism of assembly

K. Zhou, Z. Si, P. Ge, J. Tsao, M. Luo, Z. ng Zhou, Nature Communications, 13, 5980, (2022).

Homogeneous, Micron-Scale High-Energy-Density Matter Generated by Relativistic Laser-Solid Interactions

N. F. Beier, H. H. Allison, P. P. Efthimion, K. A. Flippo, L. L. Gao, S. B. Hansen, K. K. Hill, R. R. Hollinger, M. M. Logantha, Y. Y. Musthafa, R. R. Nedbailo, V. V. Senthilkumaran, R. R. Shepherd, V. N. Shlyaptsev, H. H. Song, S. S. Wang, F. F. Dollar, J. J. Rocca, A. E. Hussein, Physical Review Letters, 129, 135001, (2022).

Observation of formation and local structures of metal-organic layers via complementary electron microscopy techniques

X. Peng, P. M. Pelz, Q. Zhang, P. Chen, L. Cao, Y. Zhang, H. Liao, H. Zheng, C. Wang, S. Sun, M. C. Scott, Nature Communications, 13, 5197, (2022).

Structural and Elastic Properties of Empty-Pore Metalattices Extracted via Nondestructive Coherent Extreme UV Scatterometry and Electron Tomography

J. L. Knobloch, B. McBennett, C. S. Bevis, S. Yazdi, T. D. Frazer, A. Adak, E. E. Nelson, J. N. Hernández-Charpak, H. Y. Cheng, A. J. Grede, P. Mahale, N. Nova, N. C. Giebink, T. E. Mallouk, J. V. Badding, H. C. Kapteyn, B. Abad, M. M. Murnane, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 41316-41327, (2022).

Atomic Structure of IglD Demonstrates Its Role as a Component of the Baseplate Complex of the Francisella Type VI Secretion System

X. Liu, D. L. Clemens, B. Lee, X. Yang, Z. ng Zhou, M. A. Horwitz, mBio, 13, (2022).

Electron Diffraction of 3D Molecular Crystals

A. Saha, S. S. Nia, J. A. Rodríguez, Chemical Reviews, 122, 13883-13914, (2022).

Roadmap on wavefront shaping and deep imaging in complex media

S. Gigan, O. Katz, H. de Aguiar, E. Andresen, A. Aubry, J. Bertolotti, E. Bossy, D. Bouchet, J. Brake, S. Brasselet, Y. Bromberg, H. Cao, T. Chaigne, Z. Cheng, W. Choi, T. Čižmár, M. Cui, V. Curtis, H. Defienne, M. Hofer, R. Horisaki, R. Horstmeyer, N. Ji, A. LaViolette, J. Mertz, C. Moser, A. Mosk, N. Pégard, R. Piestun, S. Popoff, D. Phillips, D. Psaltis, B. Rahmani, H. Rigneault, S. Rotter, L. Tian, I. Vellekoop, L. Waller, L. Wang, T. Weber, S. Xiao, C. Xu, A. Yamilov, C. Yang, H. Yılmaz, Journal of Physics: Photonics, 4, 042501, (2022).

Temporal and spectral multiplexing for EUV multibeam ptychography with a high harmonic light source

N. J. Brooks, B. Wang, I. Binnie, M. Tanksalvala, Y. Esashi, J. L. Knobloch, Q. D. Nguyen, B. McBennett, N. W. Jenkins, G. Gui, Z. Zhang, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, C. S. Bevis, Optics Express, 30, 30331, (2022).

Engagement in collaboration and teamwork using Google Colaboratory

A. Werth, K. A. Oliver, C. G. West, H. J. Lewandowski, 2022 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 481-487, (2022).

High-resolution, wavefront-sensing, full-field polarimetry of arbitrary beams using phase retrieval

M. N. Jacobs, Y. Esashi, N. W. Jenkins, N. J. Brooks, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, M. Tanksalvala, Optics Express, 30, 27967, (2022).

Structure of Tetrahymena telomerase-bound CST with polymerase alpha-primase

Y. He, H. Song, H. Chan, B. Liu, Y. Wang, L. Sušac, Z. ng Zhou, J. Feigon, Nature, 608, 813-818, (2022).

Classifying handedness in chiral nanomaterials using label error robust deep learning

C. K. Groschner, A. J. Pattison, A. Ben-Moshe, A. ul Alivisatos, W. Theis, M. C. Scott, npj Computational Materials, 8, (2022).

Electrically controlling and optically observing the membrane potential of supported lipid bilayers

S. Yudovich, A. Marzouqe, J. Kantorovitsch, E. Teblum, T. Chen, J. Enderlein, E. W. Miller, S. Weiss, Biophysical Journal, 121, 2624-2637, (2022).

Structure, dynamics and assembly of the ankyrin complex on human red blood cell membrane

X. Xia, S. Liu, Z. ng Zhou, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, (2022).

Graphics-processing-unit-accelerated Monte Carlo simulation of polarized light in complex three-dimensional media

S. Yan, S. L. Jacques, J. C. Ramella-Roman, Q. Fang, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 27, 083015-1, (2022).

Statistical parametrization of cell cytoskeleton reveals lung cancer cytoskeletal phenotype with partial EMT signature

A. Basu, M. K. Paul, M. Alioscha-Perez, A. Grosberg, H. Sahli, S. M. Dubinett, S. Weiss, Communications Biology, 5, 407, (2022).

Structural basis of RNA conformational switching in the transcriptional regulator 7SK RNP

Y. Yang, S. Liu, S. Egloff, C. D. Eichhorn, T. Hadjian, J. Zhen, T. Kiss, Z. ng Zhou, J. Feigon, Molecular Cell, 82, 1724-1736.e7, (2022).

Locations and in situ structure of the polymerase complex inside the virion of vesicular stomatitis virus

Z. Si, K. Zhou, J. Tsao, M. Luo, Z. ng Zhou, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2111948119, (2022).

Structure of active human telomerase with telomere shelterin protein TPP1

B. Liu, Y. He, Y. Wang, H. Song, Z. ng Zhou, J. Feigon, Nature, 604, 578-583, (2022).

Impacts on student learning, confidence, and affect in a remote, large-enrollment, course-based undergraduate research experience in physics

A. Werth, C. G. West, H. J. Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 18, 010129, (2022).

Untangling the Mechanisms of Lattice Distortions in Biogenic Crystals across Scales

V. Schoeppler, P. K. Cook, C. Detlefs, R. Demichelis, I. Zlotnikov, Advanced Materials, 34, 2200690, (2022).

High-entropy nanoparticles: Synthesis-structure-property relationships and data-driven discovery

Y. Yao, Q. Dong, A. Brozena, J. Luo, J. Miao, M. Chi, C. Wang, I. G. Kevrekidis, Z. Ren, J. Greeley, G. Wang, A. Anapolsky, L. Hu, Science, 376, 6589, (2022).

Real-time reconstruction of high energy, ultrafast laser pulses using deep learning

M. Stanfield, J. Ott, C. Gardner, N. F. Beier, D. M. Farinella, C. A. Mancuso, P. Baldi, F. Dollar, Scientific Reports, 12, 5299, (2022).

Self-calibrated 3D differential phase contrast microscopy with optimized illumination

R. Cao, M. Kellman, D. Ren, R. Eckert, L. Waller, Biomedical Optics Express, 13, 1671, (2022).

Dynamic, Spontaneous Blistering of Substrate-Supported Graphene in Acidic Solutions

Y. Li, B. Wang, W. Li, K. Xu, ACS Nano, (2022).

Cryogenic 4D-STEM analysis of an amorphous-crystalline polymer blend: Combined nanocrystalline and amorphous phase mapping

J. Donohue, S. E. Zeltmann, K. C. Bustillo, B. Savitzky, M. Jones, G. F. Meyers, C. Ophus, A. M. Minor, iScience, 25, 103882, (2022).

Ultrafast infrared nano-imaging of far-from-equilibrium carrier and vibrational dynamics

J. Nishida, S. C. Johnson, P. S. Chang, D. M. Wharton, S. A. Dönges, O. Khatib, M. B. Raschke, Nature Communications, 13, 1083, (2022).

Membrane potential sensing: Material design and method development for single particle optical electrophysiology

D. Roy, Z. Shapira, S. Weiss, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156, 084201, (2022).

Hot-Band Absorption Can Mimic Entangled Two-Photon Absorption

A. Mikhaylov, R. N. Wilson, K. M. Parzuchowski, M. D. Mazurek, C. H. Camp, M. J. Stevens, R. Jimenez, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13, 1489-1493, (2022).

Multiple conformations of trimeric spikes visualized on a non-enveloped virus

Y. Zhang, Y. Cui, J. Sun, Z. ng Zhou, Nature Communications, 13, (2022).



Elucidating the local atomic and electronic structure of amorphous oxidized superconducting niobium films

T. F. Harrelson, E. Sheridan, E. Kennedy, J. Vinson, A. T. N'Diaye, M. P. Altoé, A. Schwartzberg, I. Siddiqi, D. nk Ogletree, M. C. Scott, S. M. Griffin, Applied Physics Letters, 119, 244004, (2021).

Visualizing the Electron Wind Force in the Elastic Regime

M. Mecklenburg, B. T. Zutter, X. Ling, W. A. Hubbard, B. C. Regan, Nano Letters, 21, 10172-10177, (2021).

The epitope arrangement on flavivirus particles contributes to Mab C10’s extraordinary neutralization breadth across Zika and dengue viruses

A. Sharma, X. Zhang, W. Dejnirattisai, X. Dai, D. Gong, W. Wongwiwat, S. Duquerroy, A. Rouvinski, M. Vaney, P. Guardado-Calvo, A. Haouz, P. England, R. Sun, Z. ng Zhou, J. Mongkolsapaya, G. R. Screaton, F. A. Rey, Cell, 184, 6052-6066.e18, (2021).

Prismatic 2.0-Simulation software for scanning and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (STEM and HRTEM)

L. Rangel DaCosta, H. G. Brown, P. M. Pelz, A. Rakowski, N. Barber, P. O’Donovan, P. McBean, L. Jones, J. Ciston, M. C. Scott, C. Ophus, Micron, 151, 103141, (2021).

Simultaneous Successive Twinning Captured by Atomic Electron Tomography

P. M. Pelz, C. Groschner, A. Bruefach, A. Satariano, C. Ophus, M. C. Scott, ACS Nano, 16, 588-596, (2021).

Bluetongue virus capsid protein VP5 perforates membranes at low endosomal pH during viral entry

X. Xia, W. Wu, Y. Cui, P. Roy, Z. ng Zhou, Nature Microbiology, 6, 1424-1432, (2021).

Three-dimensional atomic packing in amorphous solids with liquid-like structure

Y. Yuan, D. S. Kim, J. Zhou, D. J. Chang, F. Zhu, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yang, M. Pham, S. J. Osher, O. Chen, P. Ercius, A. K. Schmid, J. Miao, Nature Materials, 21, 95–102, (2021).

Mapping Charge Recombination and the Effect of Point-Defect Insertion in GaAs Nanowire Heterojunctions

B. T. Zutter, H. Kim, W. A. Hubbard, D. Ren, M. Mecklenburg, D. Huffaker, B. C. Regan, Physical Review Applied, 16, 044030 , (2021).

Directional thermal channeling: A phenomenon triggered by tight packing of heat sources

H. Honarvar, J. L. Knobloch, T. D. Frazer, B. Abad, B. McBennett, M. I. Hussein, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, J. N. Hernandez-Charpak, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2109056118, (2021).

Imaging Dielectric Breakdown in Valence Change Memory

W. A. Hubbard, J. J. Lodico, H. Chan, M. Mecklenburg, B. C. Regan, Advanced Functional Materials, 2102313, (2021).

Cryo-EM structure of the sodium-driven chloride/bicarbonate exchanger NDCBE

W. Wang, K. Tsirulnikov, H. Zhekova, G. Kayik, H. Khan, R. Azimov, N. Abuladze, L. Kao, D. Newman, S. Yu Noskov, Z. Hong Zhou, A. Pushkin, I. Kurtz, Nature Communications, 12, (2021).

Structure of human cytomegalovirus virion reveals host tRNA binding to capsid-associated tegument protein pp150

Y. Liu, D. Strugatsky, W. Liu, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Communication, 12, (2021).

Capturing 3D atomic defects and phonon localization at the 2D heterostructure interface

X. Tian, X. Yan, G. Varnavides, Y. Yuan, D. S. Kim, C. J. Ciccarino, P. Anikeeva, M. Li, L. Li, P. Narang, X. Pan, J. Miao, Science Advances, 7, eabi6699, (2021).

Antibody-Based Inhibition of Pathogenic New World Hemorrhagic Fever Mammarenaviruses by Steric Occlusion of the Human Transferrin Receptor 1 Apical Domain

S. Ferrero, M. D. Flores, C. Short, C. A. Vazquez, L. E. Clark, J. Ziegenbein, S. Zink, D. Fuentes, C. Payes, M. V. Batto, M. Collazo, C. C. García, J. Abraham, S. M. Cordo, J. A. Rodriguez, G. Helguera, Journal of Virology, 95, e01868-20, (2021).

Native structure of the RhopH complex, a key determinant of malaria parasite nutrient acquisition

C. Ho, J. Jih, M. Lai, X. Li, D. E. Goldberg, J. Beck, Z. Hong Zhou, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2100514118, (2021).

Identification and architecture of a putative secretion tube across mycobacterial outer envelope

X. Cai, L. Liu, C. Qiu, C. Wen, Y. He, Y. Cui, S. Li, X. Zhang, L. Zhang, C. Tian, L. Bi, Z. Zhou, W. Gong, Science Advances, 7, eabg5656, (2021).

Introduction of a 3 × 4 Mueller matrix decomposition method

M. Gonzalez, R. Ossikovski, T. Novikova, J. Ramella-Roman, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, 424005, (2021).

Mueller matrix imaging for collagen scoring in mice model of pregnancy

H. Lee, I. Saytashev, V. Du Le, M. Mahendroo, J. Ramella-Roman, T. Novikova, Scientific Reports, 11, 15621, (2021).
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