Student Postdoc Council (SPC)
The STROBE SPC is open to graduate students and postdocs who are interested in being part of a small group of STROBE members who meet monthly to plan relevant seminars and events for the STROBE community, provide feedback and input to STROBE leadership, and implement initiatives such as the call for Grand Challenge proposals.
Current Facilitators
If you are interested in finding out more, or joining the SPC, please contact one of the current facilitators.

Current Members

Upcoming Seminars
Past Seminars
STROBE Student Postdoc Council Hosts a Virtual Community Gathering
STROBE Student Postdoc Council Industry Seminar: “An Introduction to EUV Light Sources” from ASML
STROBE Seminar Series Presents Dr. Daniela Ushizima: “Computer Vision for Imaging”
SPC Presents Careers in Industry: Perspectives from STROBE Alumni
Former/Alumni Members

Grand Challenge Initiative
The goal of the STROBE student and postdoc grand challenge is to foster cross-site, student/postdoc-led collaborations in topics that are in-line with STROBE’s vision and mission. The grand challenge supports collaborative groups of 2-4 students and postdocs, up to one-year long projects to address an imaging problem of their choice in science, industry, or education and outreach.