Student Postdoc Council (SPC)

The STROBE SPC is open to graduate students and postdocs who are interested in being part of a small group of STROBE members who meet monthly to plan relevant seminars and events for the STROBE community, provide feedback and input to STROBE leadership, and implement initiatives such as the call for Grand Challenge proposals.

Current Facilitators

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If you are interested in finding out more, or joining the SPC, please contact one of the current facilitators.

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Student Postdoc Council

Current Members

Yuting Miao
Yuting Miao
University of California Los Angeles
Drew Morrill
Drew Morrill
University of Colorado Boulder
Jiayan Zhang
Jane (Jiayan) Zhang
University of California Los Angeles

Upcoming Seminars

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Past Seminars

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Former/Alumni Members

Nick Beier
Nick Beier
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta
Former Facilitator
Adam Blonsky
Adam Blonsky
Senior Research Engineer, Morrow Batteries (Norway)
Former Facilitator (2016-2017)
Dan Durham
Dan Durham
Staff Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory
Former Facilitator
Yuka Esashi
Yuka Esashi
Research Scientist, KLA Singapore
Deano Farinella
Deano Farinella
Optical Engineer/Researcher, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Lucas Ginsberg
Lucas Ginsberg
Postdoc, University of California Berkeley
Thomas Gray
Bloch Engineering, Boston
Former Facilitator
Guan Gui
Guan Gui
Product Development Engineer, KLA Tencor
Meg Hauser
Meghan Hauser
Senior Technology Scout, Booz Allen Hamilton
Sarah Kerr
Sarah Kerr
Imaging Science Engineer, Imatest
Du Le
Du Le
Assistant Professor, University of Alabama Huntsville
Yuan Hung Lo
Yuan Hung (Mike) Lo
Solutions Architect, Databricks
Kristina Monakhova
Kristina Monakhova
Assistant Professor, Cornell University
David Ren
David Ren
Algorithm Engineer, UltraSense Systems
Sudipta Saha
Sudipta Saha
Optical Sensing Engineer, ASML
Former Facilitator
Katie Schulenberger
Katie Shulenberger
Assistant Professor, Brandeis University
Matthew Stanfield
Former Facilitator
Bin Wang
Bin Wang
Research Scientist, ASML San Jose
Xiyu Yi
Xiyu Yi
Senior Scientist, Singular Genomics
Former SPC Facilitator
Steven Zeltman
Steven Zeltmann
Research Associate, PARADIM Facility, Cornell University

Grand Challenge Initiative

The goal of the STROBE student and postdoc grand challenge is to foster cross-site, student/postdoc-led collaborations in topics that are in-line with STROBE’s vision and mission. The grand challenge supports collaborative groups of 2-4 students and postdocs, up to one-year long projects to address an imaging problem of their choice in science, industry, or education and outreach.