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Congrats to Margaret Murnane on receiving the Campanile Excellence in Achievement Award

May 11, 2017|University of California, Berkeley|

The Campanile Excellence in Achievement Award recognizes an alumnus/a whose remarkable professional achievements reflect the excellence of a UC Berkeley education.

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Congrats to Roger Falcone for being Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

April 12, 2017|American Academy of Arts & Scicences|

The strength of the Academy lies in the intellectual leadership of its members and the wide range of expertise they bring to its studies and publications.

The Academy membership encompasses over 4,600 Fellows and 600 Foreign Honorary Members and reflects the full range of disciplines and professions: mathematics, the physical and biological sciences, medicine, the social sciences and humanities, business, government, public affairs, and the arts. Among the Academy’s Fellows are more than 250 Nobel laureates and 60 Pulitzer Prize winners.

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Congrats to Jose Rodriguez on being named a 2017 Searle Scholar

April 10, 2017|UCLA|

[Jose] said he is honored to be named a Searle Scholar and said the funding provided by the award will allow his research group to pursue new ways to probe the structures of macromolecules at the atomic scale.

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Congrats to AJ Pryor on receiving the 2017 M&M Student Scholar Award

April 7, 2017|UCLA|

These awards are presented annually to students presenting high quality technical papers with significant microanalysis content at the annual meeting.

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Congrats to Nathan Brooks on receiving an NSF Fellowship

March 17, 2017|

The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions.

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Christina Porter Wins 2017 Karel Urbanek Best Student Paper Award at SPIE Conference

March 7, 2017|

Christina Porter has won the 2017 Karel Urbanek Best Student Paper Award. The award consists of a wall plaque, honorarium, and trophy. The award was presented  on Thursday March 2, 2017, at this year’s Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography conference at the SPIE Advanced LIthography in San Jose, California. The award is sponsored by KLA-Tencor.

Porter’s paper was entitled “Sub-wavelength transmission and reflection-mode tabletop imaging with 13-nm illumination via ptychography CDI.” The paper was judged along with Porter’s oral presentation to earn her the prestigious award. Porter was co-first author with Michael Tanksalvala on the winning paper. Additional authors included Dennis F. Gardner, Michael Gerrity, Giulia F. Mancini, Xiaoshi Zhang, Galen P. Miley, Elisabeth R. Shanblatt, Benjamin R. Galloway, Charles S. Bevis, Robert Karl, Jr., Daniel A. Adams, Henry C. Kapteyn, and Margaret M. Murnane.

The Karel Urbanek Best Student Paper award recognizes the most promising contribution to the field by a student. The award is based on the technical merit and persuasiveness of the paper presented at the conference.

Congrats to Naomi Ginsberg for Being Selected as a Miller Professor for Basic Research in 2017-2018

March 1, 2017|Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science|

Naomi Ginsberg is a Miller Professor for Basic Research in Science at UC Berkeley in 2017-2018.

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Congrats to Margaret Murnane for the Ives Medal, the highest award of the OSA Optical Society

February 13, 2017|

Recognizing overall distinction in optics, the Frederic Ives Medal is the highest award of the Society. It was endowed in 1928 by Herbert E. Ives, a distinguished charter member and OSA President, 1924 and 1925, to honor his father who was noted as the inventor of modern photoengraving and for his pioneering contributions to color photography, three-color process printing, and other branches of applied optics. The prize is funded by the Jarus W. Quinn Ives Medal Endowment raised by members at the time of Quinn’s retirement in recognition of his 25 years of service as OSA’s first Executive Director.

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Congrats to John Miao on the Nature News & Views of STROBE paper

February 2, 2017|

The locations of atoms in a metallic alloy nanoparticle have been determined using a combination of electron microscopy and image simulation, revealing links between the particle’s structure and magnetic properties.

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Congrats to Naomi Ginsberg who is now tenured at University of California at Berkeley

January 19, 2017|Berkeley|

Work in the Ginsberg Group is motivated by the need to spatially and temporally resolve the complex dynamics of nanoscale processes, such as photosynthetic light harvesting. We use multiple approaches, separately and in combination, including ultrafast spectroscopy, light microscopy, and cathodoluminescence electron mocroscopy.

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