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Dennis Gardner wins 2017 Laser Science Dissertation Award

September 20, 2017|JILA Scientific Communications|

Former JILAn Dennis F. Gardner Jr. (Kapteyn-Murnane group) has been awarded the 2017 American Physical Society’s Carl E. Anderson Division of Laser Science Dissertation Award for his doctoral work in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imaging. Gardner received $1,000 and a certificate citing his contribution to laser science.

Gardner’s thesis, entitled “Coherent diffractive imaging near the spatio-temporal limit with high harmonic sources” (2017), demonstrates the highest resolution-to-wavelength ratio ever achieved with coherent diffractive imaging. These advances to imaging are critical for advancing nanoelectronics, data storage, and nanoengineered systems.

Gardner is currently a Research Physicist at Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc. in Washington D.C.

Gardner graduated summa cum laude from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a Bachelor of Arts in physics before joining the Kapteyn-Murnane group at JILA in the summer of 2011. During his time at JILA, he was awarded a Ford Foundation Fellowship (2011) and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2011). He also won the Optical Society’s Emil Wolf Outstanding Paper Competition in 2015.

The Carl E. Anderson Division of Laser Science Dissertation Award was established by the American Physical Society (APS) in 2013 to recognize novel applications of light-matter interactions in doctoral research, and to encourage effective written and oral presentations. Four finalists are selected to present their dissertation work at the Laser Science Conference. This year’s finalists also included Tal Galfsky from The City University of New York, Vivishek Sudhir from Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, and Shuo Sun from the University of Maryland, College Park.

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Congrats to Jose Rodriguez for being featured in a publication by Howard Hughes Medical Institute

June 20, 2017|Howard Hughes Medical Institute|

Jose Rodriguez sees antibodies latch onto receptors and stop cancer cells from feeding on iron. He sees an infectious protein fragment grip its neighbors to form the flat sheets that clutter the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease. Atom by atom, his imaginary animations crystallize as he creates minuscule maps of some of the most elusive biological structures ever studied.

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Congrats to Jose Rodriguez on Being Selected as a Beckman Young Investigator by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation

May 25, 2017|UCLA Chemistry and Biochemistry|

Professor Jose Rodriguez has been selected as a Beckman Young Investigator by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation… According to the Beckman Foundation website, “these individuals exemplify the Foundation’s mission of supporting the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences, particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open new avenues of research in science. They were selected from a pool of over 300 applicants after a three-part review led by a panel of scientific experts.”

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Congrats to Margaret Murnane on receiving the Campanile Excellence in Achievement Award

May 11, 2017|University of California, Berkeley|

The Campanile Excellence in Achievement Award recognizes an alumnus/a whose remarkable professional achievements reflect the excellence of a UC Berkeley education.

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Congrats to Roger Falcone for being Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

April 12, 2017|American Academy of Arts & Scicences|

The strength of the Academy lies in the intellectual leadership of its members and the wide range of expertise they bring to its studies and publications.

The Academy membership encompasses over 4,600 Fellows and 600 Foreign Honorary Members and reflects the full range of disciplines and professions: mathematics, the physical and biological sciences, medicine, the social sciences and humanities, business, government, public affairs, and the arts. Among the Academy’s Fellows are more than 250 Nobel laureates and 60 Pulitzer Prize winners.

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Congrats to Jose Rodriguez on being named a 2017 Searle Scholar

April 10, 2017|UCLA|

[Jose] said he is honored to be named a Searle Scholar and said the funding provided by the award will allow his research group to pursue new ways to probe the structures of macromolecules at the atomic scale.

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Congrats to AJ Pryor on receiving the 2017 M&M Student Scholar Award

April 7, 2017|UCLA|

These awards are presented annually to students presenting high quality technical papers with significant microanalysis content at the annual meeting.

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Congrats to Nathan Brooks on receiving an NSF Fellowship

March 17, 2017|

The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions.

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Christina Porter Wins 2017 Karel Urbanek Best Student Paper Award at SPIE Conference

March 7, 2017|

Christina Porter has won the 2017 Karel Urbanek Best Student Paper Award. The award consists of a wall plaque, honorarium, and trophy. The award was presented  on Thursday March 2, 2017, at this year’s Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography conference at the SPIE Advanced LIthography in San Jose, California. The award is sponsored by KLA-Tencor.

Porter’s paper was entitled “Sub-wavelength transmission and reflection-mode tabletop imaging with 13-nm illumination via ptychography CDI.” The paper was judged along with Porter’s oral presentation to earn her the prestigious award. Porter was co-first author with Michael Tanksalvala on the winning paper. Additional authors included Dennis F. Gardner, Michael Gerrity, Giulia F. Mancini, Xiaoshi Zhang, Galen P. Miley, Elisabeth R. Shanblatt, Benjamin R. Galloway, Charles S. Bevis, Robert Karl, Jr., Daniel A. Adams, Henry C. Kapteyn, and Margaret M. Murnane.

The Karel Urbanek Best Student Paper award recognizes the most promising contribution to the field by a student. The award is based on the technical merit and persuasiveness of the paper presented at the conference.

Congrats to Naomi Ginsberg for Being Selected as a Miller Professor for Basic Research in 2017-2018

March 1, 2017|Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science|

Naomi Ginsberg is a Miller Professor for Basic Research in Science at UC Berkeley in 2017-2018.

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