Congratulations to Chen-Ting Liao for Receiving a Young Investigator Research Program Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Dr. Chen-Ting (Ting) Liao has been selected as an AFOSR Young Investigator. The Air Force Office of Scientific Research, or AFOSR, the basic research arm of the Air Force Research Laboratory, will award approximately $25 million in grants to 58 scientists and engineers from 44 research institutions and businesses in 22 states under the fiscal year 2023 Young Investigator Research Program, or YIP.
“Through the YIP, the Department of the Air Force fosters creative basic research in science and engineering, enhances early career development of outstanding young investigators and increases opportunities for the young investigators to engage in forwarding the DAF mission and related challenges in science and engineering,” said Ellen Robinson, YIP program manager.
YIP recipients receive three-year grants of up to $450,000. The program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are scientists and engineers at U.S. research institutions. Individuals must have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees in the last seven years and show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research of Department of the Air Force, or DAF, relevance. Award selections are subject to successful completion of negotiations with the academic institutions and businesses.