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Congratulations to Mary Scott for Receiving Tenure at University of California Berkeley

Professor Mary Scott received tenure at University of California Berkeley in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering. Congratulations, Mary!

Prof. Mary Scott received her Ph. D in Physics from UCLA in 2015. She was a Postdoctoral Researcher at UC Berkeley from 2015-2017 and has been a faculty scientist at Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since 2017.

Congratulations to Margaret Murnane for Receiving the 2022 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize

Professor Margaret Murnane has received the 2022 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize for pioneering and sustained contributions to the development of ultrafast lasers and coherent X-ray sources and the use of such sources to understand the quantum nature of materials.

The discoveries of Professor Margaret Murnane in ultrafast laser and X-ray science have transformed the field, making it possible to capture and manipulate quantum dynamics on the fastest timescales relevant to atoms, molecules and materials. Her research is distinguished by its breadth and impact in developing new understanding in optical physics.

Murnane has demonstrated that it is possible to generate coherent, laser-like X-ray beams by upconverting laser light from the infrared directly into the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray regions of the spectrum. Over more than 20 years, she uncovered how to harness the unique high-order harmonic generation process to create new quantum light sources. This work represents one of the most significant new fundamental developments in optical science in past decades, with a host of practical applications in understanding and imaging materials.

Congratulations to Franklin Dollar for Being Named a Fellow of the American Physical Society

Professor Franklin Dollar has been named Fellow of the American Physical Society. Dollar works to further research into high-intensity laser physics, as well as to make his field more inclusive, diverse and equitable. The honor recognizes not only Dollar’s research into high-intensity laser physics, but also his committed efforts to change the culture of his field in the realms of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). “The main impacts of my work are in short pulse laser interactions with matter, and their uses as radiation sources,” said Dollar. “I led a lot of early work in ion acceleration, but also have been involved with electron acceleration, positron beams, and directed neutron beams.”

Congratulations to Laura Waller for Receiving the Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator Award

The Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator Program, open to faculty from Stanford University, UC San Francisco, and UC Berkeley, funds innovative, visionary research with the goal of building engaged, collaborative scientific communities to help solve critical challenges in biomedicine.

The 86 awardees in our new cohort, who were chosen from nearly 700 applicants through a competitive process judged by nationally recognized external reviewers and a blue-ribbon Selection Advisory Committee, represent a diverse range of disciplines, including basic biological sciences, clinical biomedical sciences, physics, chemistry, engineering, computer and data sciences, statistics, and public health.

Congratulations to Laura Waller for Being Named the Charles A Desoer Endowed Chair in Engineering

Charles A. Desoer was a professor emeritus of electrical engineering and computer sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. An endowed chair in Desoer’s name has been established in the College of Engineering. Laura Waller has been named the Charles A Desoer Endowed Chair in Engineering as of July 2022.

Congratulations to Daniel Durham for Receiving the Microscopy & Microanalysis Student Scholar Award

Congratulations to Dan for receiving an M&M Student Scholar Award! These awards are a joint effort with MSA’s sister society, the Microanalysis Society (MAS), and are judged on the quality of the two-page proceeding papers submitted to the M&M meeting. Between the two societies, approximately 30 of 200 annual student submissions are given the award. The award package provides complimentary registration to the M&M meeting, travel and lodging reimbursement up to $1,000, and an invitation to the Presidents’ reception. Awardees are recognized during the awards portion of the opening plenary session.

Congratulations to Ethan Anderson at Fort Lewis College for Receiving a Diversity Supplement from NIGMS and for Receiving the Best Poster Prize at the FLC Undergraduate Research Symposium

Ethan Anderson won the best poster award for “Fabrication of a physiologically relevant novel lung on a chip device to quantify extracellular matrix deposition” in Spring 2022 at Fort Lewis College. Ethan also received a Diversity Supplement from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences for “Utilizing biodegradable porous silicon membranes as a novel design for lung-on-a-chip microfluidic devices to investigate extracellular matrix interactions.” Congratulations, Ethan!

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