STROBE Publications

Showing publications 151 – 200 of 403



Visualizing the Electron Wind Force in the Elastic Regime

M. Mecklenburg, B. T. Zutter, X. Ling, W. A. Hubbard, B. C. Regan, Nano Letters, 21, 10172-10177, (2021).

The epitope arrangement on flavivirus particles contributes to Mab C10’s extraordinary neutralization breadth across Zika and dengue viruses

A. Sharma, X. Zhang, W. Dejnirattisai, X. Dai, D. Gong, W. Wongwiwat, S. Duquerroy, A. Rouvinski, M. Vaney, P. Guardado-Calvo, A. Haouz, P. England, R. Sun, Z. ng Zhou, J. Mongkolsapaya, G. R. Screaton, F. A. Rey, Cell, 184, 6052-6066.e18, (2021).

Prismatic 2.0-Simulation software for scanning and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (STEM and HRTEM)

L. Rangel DaCosta, H. G. Brown, P. M. Pelz, A. Rakowski, N. Barber, P. O’Donovan, P. McBean, L. Jones, J. Ciston, M. C. Scott, C. Ophus, Micron, 151, 103141, (2021).

Simultaneous Successive Twinning Captured by Atomic Electron Tomography

P. M. Pelz, C. Groschner, A. Bruefach, A. Satariano, C. Ophus, M. C. Scott, ACS Nano, 16, 588-596, (2021).

Bluetongue virus capsid protein VP5 perforates membranes at low endosomal pH during viral entry

X. Xia, W. Wu, Y. Cui, P. Roy, Z. ng Zhou, Nature Microbiology, 6, 1424-1432, (2021).

Three-dimensional atomic packing in amorphous solids with liquid-like structure

Y. Yuan, D. S. Kim, J. Zhou, D. J. Chang, F. Zhu, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yang, M. Pham, S. J. Osher, O. Chen, P. Ercius, A. K. Schmid, J. Miao, Nature Materials, 21, 95–102, (2021).

Mapping Charge Recombination and the Effect of Point-Defect Insertion in GaAs Nanowire Heterojunctions

B. T. Zutter, H. Kim, W. A. Hubbard, D. Ren, M. Mecklenburg, D. Huffaker, B. C. Regan, Physical Review Applied, 16, 044030 , (2021).

Directional thermal channeling: A phenomenon triggered by tight packing of heat sources

H. Honarvar, J. L. Knobloch, T. D. Frazer, B. Abad, B. McBennett, M. I. Hussein, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, J. N. Hernandez-Charpak, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2109056118, (2021).

Imaging Dielectric Breakdown in Valence Change Memory

W. A. Hubbard, J. J. Lodico, H. Chan, M. Mecklenburg, B. C. Regan, Advanced Functional Materials, 2102313, (2021).

Cryo-EM structure of the sodium-driven chloride/bicarbonate exchanger NDCBE

W. Wang, K. Tsirulnikov, H. Zhekova, G. Kayik, H. Khan, R. Azimov, N. Abuladze, L. Kao, D. Newman, S. Yu Noskov, Z. Hong Zhou, A. Pushkin, I. Kurtz, Nature Communications, 12, (2021).

Structure of human cytomegalovirus virion reveals host tRNA binding to capsid-associated tegument protein pp150

Y. Liu, D. Strugatsky, W. Liu, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Communication, 12, (2021).

Capturing 3D atomic defects and phonon localization at the 2D heterostructure interface

X. Tian, X. Yan, G. Varnavides, Y. Yuan, D. S. Kim, C. J. Ciccarino, P. Anikeeva, M. Li, L. Li, P. Narang, X. Pan, J. Miao, Science Advances, 7, eabi6699, (2021).

Antibody-Based Inhibition of Pathogenic New World Hemorrhagic Fever Mammarenaviruses by Steric Occlusion of the Human Transferrin Receptor 1 Apical Domain

S. Ferrero, M. D. Flores, C. Short, C. A. Vazquez, L. E. Clark, J. Ziegenbein, S. Zink, D. Fuentes, C. Payes, M. V. Batto, M. Collazo, C. C. García, J. Abraham, S. M. Cordo, J. A. Rodriguez, G. Helguera, Journal of Virology, 95, e01868-20, (2021).

Native structure of the RhopH complex, a key determinant of malaria parasite nutrient acquisition

C. Ho, J. Jih, M. Lai, X. Li, D. E. Goldberg, J. Beck, Z. Hong Zhou, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2100514118, (2021).

Identification and architecture of a putative secretion tube across mycobacterial outer envelope

X. Cai, L. Liu, C. Qiu, C. Wen, Y. He, Y. Cui, S. Li, X. Zhang, L. Zhang, C. Tian, L. Bi, Z. Zhou, W. Gong, Science Advances, 7, eabg5656, (2021).

Introduction of a 3 × 4 Mueller matrix decomposition method

M. Gonzalez, R. Ossikovski, T. Novikova, J. Ramella-Roman, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, 424005, (2021).

Mueller matrix imaging for collagen scoring in mice model of pregnancy

H. Lee, I. Saytashev, V. Du Le, M. Mahendroo, J. Ramella-Roman, T. Novikova, Scientific Reports, 11, 15621, (2021).

Crystallization by Amorphous Particle Attachment: On the Evolution of Texture

V. Schoeppler, D. Stier, R. J. Best, C. Song, J. Turner, B. H. Savitzky, C. Ophus, M. A. Marcus, S. Zhao, K. Bustillo, I. Zlotnikov, Advanced Materials, 2101358, (2021).

A General and Predictive Understanding of Thermal Transport from 1D- and 2D-Confined Nanostructures: Theory and Experiment

A. Beardo, J. L. Knobloch, L. Sendra, J. Bafaluy, T. D. Frazer, W. Chao, J. N. Hernandez-Charpak, H. C. Kapteyn, B. Abad, M. M. Murnane, F. er Alvarez, J. Camacho, ACS Nano, 15, 13019-13030, (2021).

Multidimensional Nano-Imaging of Structure, Coupling, and Disorder in Molecular Materials

S. A. Dönges, R. Peyton Cline, S. E. Zeltmann, J. Nishida, B. Metzger, A. M. Minor, J. Eaves, M. B. Raschke, Nano Letters, 21, 6463-6470, (2021).

Structure of the trypanosome paraflagellar rod and insights into non-planar motility of eukaryotic cells

J. Zhang, H. Wang, S. Imhof, X. Zhou, S. Liao, I. Atanasov, W. Hui, K. Hill, Z. Hong Zhou, Cell Discovery, 7, (2021).

Asymmetric reconstruction of mammalian reovirus reveals interactions among RNA, transcriptional factor mu 2 and capsid proteins

M. Pan, A. L. Alvarez-Cabrera, J. S. Kang, L. Wang, C. Fan, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Communications, 12, 4176, (2021).

Ultrafast optical melting of trimer superstructure in layered 1T′-TaTe2

K. M. Siddiqui, D. B. Durham, F. Cropp, C. Ophus, S. Rajpurohit, Y. Zhu, J. D. Carlström, C. Stavrakas, Z. Mao, A. Raja, P. Musumeci, L. Z. Tan, A. M. Minor, D. Filippetto, R. A. Kaindl, Communications Physics, 4, (2021).

2D Vibrational Exciton Nanoimaging of Domain Formation in Self-Assembled Monolayers

T. P. Gray, J. Nishida, S. C. Johnson, M. B. Raschke, Nano Letters, 21, 5754-5759, (2021).

Untrained networks for compressive lensless photography

K. Monakhova, V. Tran, G. Kuo, L. Waller, Optics Express, 29, 20913-20929, (2021).

Persistent and partially mobile oxygen vacancies in Li-rich layered oxides

P. M. Csernica, S. S. Kalirai, W. E. Gent, K. Lim, Y. Yu, Y. Liu, S. Ahn, E. Kaeli, X. Xu, K. H. Stone, A. F. Marshall, R. Sinclair, D. A. Shapiro, M. F. Toney, W. C. Chueh, Nature Energy, (2021).

Phase-contrast imaging of multiply-scattering extended objects at atomic resolution by reconstruction of the scattering matrix

P. M. Pelz, H. G. Brown, S. Stonemeyer, S. D. Findlay, A. Zettl, P. Ercius, Y. Zhang, J. Ciston, M. C. Scott, C. Ophus, Physical Review Research, 3, 023159, (2021).

Applying a mathematical sense-making framework to student work and its potential for curriculum design

J. D. Gifford, N. D. Finkelstein, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 17, 010138 , (2021).

Influence of surface and interface roughness on X-ray and extreme ultraviolet reflectance: A comparative numerical study

Y. Esashi, M. Tanksalvala, Z. Zhang, N. W. Jenkins, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, OSA Continuum, 4, 1497-1518, (2021).

Correlative nano-spectroscopic imaging of heterogeneity in migrated petroleum in unconventional reservoir pores

R. E. Simon, S. C. Johnson, O. Khatib, M. B. Raschke, D. A. Budd, Fuel, 100, 120836, (2021).

4D-STEM of Beam-Sensitive Materials

K. C. Bustillo, S. E. Zeltmann, M. Chen, J. Donohue, J. Ciston, C. Ophus, A. M. Minor, Accounts of Chemical Research, (2021).

Structures of telomerase at several steps of telomere repeat synthesis

Y. He, Y. Wang, B. Liu, C. Helmling, L. Sušac, R. Cheng, Z. Hong Zhou, J. Feigon, Nature, 593, 454-459, (2021).

Extreme mixing in nanoscale transition metal alloys

Y. Yao, Z. Huang, L. A. Hughes, J. Gao, T. Li, D. Morris, S. Zeltmann, B. H. Savitzky, C. Ophus, Y. Zou Finfrock, Q. Dong, M. Jiao, Y. Mao, M. Chi, P. Zhang, J. Li, A. Minor, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, L. Hu, Matter, 4, 2340-2353, (2021).

Tunable mode control through myriad-mode fibers

S. Singh, S. Labouesse, R. Piestun, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39, 2961-2970, (2021).

Setting Bounds on Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Cross Sections in Common Fluorophores

K. M. Parzuchowski, A. Mikhaylov, M. D. Mazurek, R. N. Wilson, D. J. Lum, T. Gerrits, C. H. Camp, M. J. Stevens, R. Jimenez, Physical Review Applied, 15, 044012 , (2021).

Auto-detection of cervical collagen and elastin in Mueller matrix polarimetry microscopic images using K-NN and semantic segmentation classification

C. Roa, V. N. Du Le, M. Mahendroo, I. Saytashev, J. C. Ramella-Roman, Biomedical Optics Express, 12, 2236, (2021).

Differential electron yield imaging with STXM

W. A. Hubbard, J. J. Lodico, X. Ling, B. T. Zutter, Y. Yu, D. A. Shapiro, B. C. Regan, Ultramicroscopy, 222, 113198, (2021).

Atomic Structure of the Trichomonas vaginalis Double-Stranded RNA Virus 2

A. Stevens, K. Muratore, Y. Cui, P. Johnson, Z. Hong Zhou, mBio, 12, (2021).

Millijoule few-cycle pulses from staged compression for strong and high field science

M. Stanfield, N. F. Beier, S. Hakimi, H. Allison, D. Farinella, A. E. Hussein, T. Tajima, F. Dollar, Optics Express, 29, 9123, (2021).

Pycro-Manager: open-source software for customized and reproducible microscope control

H. Pinkard, N. Stuurman, I. E. Ivanov, N. M. Anthony, W. Ouyang, B. Li, B. Yang, M. A. Tsuchida, B. Chhun, G. Zhang, R. Mei, M. Anderson, D. P. Shepherd, I. Hunt-Isaak, R. L. Dunn, W. Jahr, S. Kato, L. A. Royer, J. R. Thiagarajah, K. W. Eliceiri, E. Lundberg, S. B. Mehta, L. Waller, Nature Methods, 18, 226-228, (2021).

Determining the three-dimensional atomic structure of an amorphous solid

Y. Yang, J. Zhou, F. Zhu, Y. Yuan, . J. Chang, D. S. Kim, M. Pham, A. Rana, X. Tian, Y. Yao, S. J. Osher, A. K. Schmid, L. Hu, P. Ercius, J. Miao, Nature, 592, 60-64, (2021).

Space-Charge Aberrations in Single-Shot Time-Resolved Transmission Electron Microscopy

P. P. Denham, P. P. Musumeci, Physical Review Applied, 15, 024050 , (2021).

Probing electronic structure in berkelium and californium via an electron microscopy nanosampling approach

A. Müller, G. P. Deblonde, P. Ercius, S. E. Zeltmann, R. J. Abergel, A. M. Minor, Nature Communications, 12, 948, (2021).

Coherent Fourier scatterometry using orbital angular momentum beams for defect detection

B. Wang, M. Tanksalvala, Z. Zhang, Y. Esashi, N. W. Jenkins, M. M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn, C. Liao, Optics Express, 29, 3342-3358, (2021).

Nondestructive, high-resolution, chemically specific 3D nanostructure characterization using phase-sensitive EUV imaging reflectometry

M. Tanksalvala, C. L. Porter, Y. Esashi, B. Wang, N. W. Jenkins, Z. Zhang, G. P. Miley, J. L. Knobloch, B. McBennett, N. Horiguchi, S. Yazdi, J. Zhou, M. N. Jacobs, C. S. Bevis, R. M. Karl, P. Johnsen, D. Ren, L. Waller, D. E. Adams, S. L. Cousin, C. Liao, J. Miao, M. Gerrity, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, Science Advances, 7, eabd9667, (2021).

X-ray linear dichroic ptychography

Y. Lo, J. Zhou, A. Rana, D. Morrill, C. Gentry, B. Enders, Y. Yu, C. Sun, D. A. Shapiro, R. W. Falcone, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, P. A. Gilbert, J. Miao, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, e2019068118, (2021).

Facile, Electrochemical Chlorination of Graphene from an Aqueous NaCl Solution

W. Li, Y. Li, K. Xu, Nano Letters, 21, 1150-1155, (2021).

4D Imaging of ZnO-Coated Nanoporous Al2O3 Aerogels by Chemically Sensitive Ptychographic Tomography: Implications for Designer Catalysts

H. Yuan, H. Yuan, T. Casagrande, D. Shapiro, Y. Yu, B. Enders, J. I. Lee, A. van Buuren, M. M. Biener, S. A. Gammon, T. F. Baumann, A. P. Hitchcock, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4, 621-632, (2021).

Laplacian smoothing stochastic gradient markov chain monte carlo

B. Wang, D. Zou, Q. Gu, S. J. Osher, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43, A26-A53, (2021).



Ab Initio Determination of Peptide Structures by MicroED

C. Zee, A. Saha, M. R. Sawaya, J. A. Rodriguez, cryoEM, 2215, 329-348, (2020).
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