STROBE Publications

Showing publications 251 – 300 of 383



Azidated Graphene: Direct Azidation from Monolayers, Click Chemistry, and Bulk Production from Graphite

W. Li, Y. Li, K. Xu, Nano Letters, 20, 534-539, (2020).

A multiple scattering algorithm for three dimensional phase contrast atomic electron tomography

D. Ren, C. Ophus, M. Chen, L. Waller, Ultramicroscopy, 208, 112860, (2020).



Atomic Structure of the Francisella T6SS Central Spike Reveals a Unique α-Helical Lid and a Putative Cargo

X. Yang, D. L. Clemens, B. Lee, Y. Cui, Z. Hong Zhou, M. A. Horwitz, Structure, 27, 1811-1819.e6, (2019).

Electron beam-induced current imaging with two-angstrom resolution

M. Mecklenburg, W. A. Hubbard, J. J. Lodico, B. C. Regan, Ultramicroscopy, 207, 112852, (2019).

Atomic structure of the human herpesvirus 6B capsid and capsid-associated tegument complexes

Y. Zhang, W. Liu, Z. Li, V. Kumar, A. L. Alvarez-Cabrera, E. C. Leibovitch, Y. Cui, Y. Mei, G. Bi, S. Jacobson, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Communications, 10, 5346 , (2019).

Interfacing the Cell with “Biomimetic Membrane Proteins”

A. Grupi, I. Ashur, N. Degani‐Katzav, S. Yudovich, Z. Shapira, A. Marzouq, L. Morgenstein, Y. Mandel, S. Weiss, Small, 1903006, (2019).

Functional Materials Under Stress: In Situ TEM Observations of Structural Evolution

Y. Deng, R. Zhang, T. C. Pekin, C. Gammer, J. Ciston, P. Ercius, C. Ophus, K. Bustillo, C. Song, S. Zhao, H. Guo, Y. Zhao, H. Dong, Z. Chen, A. M. Minor, Advanced Materials, 1906105, (2019).

Cryo electron tomography with volta phase plate reveals novel structural foundations of the 96-nm axonemal repeat in the pathogen Trypanosoma brucei

S. Imhof, J. Zhang, H. Wang, K. Bui, H. Nguyen, I. Atanasov, W. H. Hui, S. Yang, Z. Hong Zhou, K. L. Hill, eLife, 8, (2019).

Semi-implicit relaxed Douglas-Rachford algorithm (sDR) for ptychography

M. Pham, A. Rana, J. Miao, S. Osher, Optics Express, 27, 31246, (2019).

Purcell-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission of Molecular Vibrations

B. Metzger, E. Muller, J. Nishida, B. Pollard, M. Hentschel, M. B. Raschke, Physical Review Letters, 123, 153001, (2019).

Measuring nanoscale thermal gradients in suspended MoS2 with STEM-EELS

L. Shen, M. Mecklenburg, R. Dhall, B. C. Regan, S. B. Cronin, Applied Physics Letters, 115, 153108, (2019).

Imaging material functionality through three-dimensional nanoscale tracking of energy flow

M. Delor, H. L. Weaver, Q. Yu, N. S. Ginsberg, Nature Materials, 19, 56-62, (2019).

Hierarchically-structured large superelastic deformation in ferroelastic-ferroelectrics

Y. Deng, C. Gammer, J. Ciston, P. Ercius, C. Ophus, K. Bustillo, C. Song, R. Zhang, D. Wu, Y. Du, Z. Chen, H. Dong, A. G. Khachaturyan, A. M. Minor, Acta Materialia, 181, 501-509, (2019).

Irreversibility at macromolecular scales in the flake graphite of the lithium-ion battery anode

J. J. Lodico, C. Lai, M. Woodall, H. Chan, E. Garcia, W. A. Hubbard, B. Dunn, B. C. Regan, Journal of Power Sources, 436, 226841, (2019).

Learned reconstructions for practical mask-based lensless imaging

K. Monakhova, J. Yurtsever, G. Kuo, N. Antipa, K. Yanny, L. Waller, Optics Express, 27, 28075, (2019).

Characterization of Reactive Organometallic Species via MicroED

C. G. Jones, M. Asay, L. Kim, J. F. Kleinsasser, A. Saha, T. J. Fulton, K. R. Berkley, D. Cascio, A. G. Malyutin, M. P. Conley, B. M. Stoltz, V. Lavallo, J. A. Rodríguez, H. M. Nelson, ACS Central Science, 5, 1507-1513, (2019).

Multimodal x-ray and electron microscopy of the Allende meteorite

Y. Lo, C. Liao, J. Zhou, A. Rana, C. S. Bevis, G. Gui, B. Enders, K. M. Cannon, Y. Yu, R. Celestre, K. Nowrouzi, D. Shapiro, H. Kapteyn, R. Falcone, C. Bennett, M. Murnane, J. Miao, Science Advances, 5, eaax3009, (2019).

DNA-Packing Portal and Capsid-Associated Tegument Complexes in the Tumor Herpesvirus KSHV

D. Gong, X. Dai, J. Jih, Y. Liu, G. Bi, R. Sun, Z. Hong Zhou, Cell, 178, 1329-1343.e12, (2019).

A unified mechanism for intron and exon definition and back-splicing

X. Li, S. Liu, L. Zhang, A. Issaian, R. C. Hill, S. Espinosa, S. Shi, Y. Cui, K. Kappel, R. Das, K. C. Hansen, Z. Hong Zhou, R. Zhao, Nature, 573, 375-380, (2019).

CryoEM structures of Arabidopsis DDR complexes involved in RNA-directed DNA methylation

S. Wongpalee, S. Liu, J. Gallego-Bartolomé, A. Leitner, R. Aebersold, W. Liu, L. Yen, M. A. Nohales, P. Kuo, A. A. Vashisht, J. A. Wohlschlegel, S. Feng, S. A. Kay, Z. Hong Zhou, S. E. Jacobsen, Nature Communications, 10, 3916, (2019).

Wavefront shaping in complex media with a 350 kHz modulator via a 1D-to-2D transform

O. Tzang, E. Niv, S. Singh, S. Labouesse, G. Myatt, R. Piestun, Nature Photonics, 13, 788-793, (2019).

Oblique-plane single-molecule localization microscopy for tissues and small intact animals

J. Kim, M. Wojcik, Y. Wang, S. Moon, E. A. Zin, N. Marnani, Z. L. Newman, J. G. Flannery, K. Xu, X. Zhang, Nature Methods, 16, 853-857, (2019).

Deconstructing Black physics identity: Linking individual and social constructs using the critical physics identity framework

S. Hyater-Adams, C. Fracchiolla, T. Williams, N. Finkelstein, K. Hinko, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15, 020115, (2019).

In situ structures of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inside bluetongue virus before and after uncoating

Y. He, S. Shivakoti, K. Ding, Y. Cui, P. Roy, Z. Hong Zhou, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 16535-16540, (2019).

Light-Assisted Diazonium Functionalization of Graphene and Spatial Heterogeneities in Reactivity

Y. Li, W. Li, M. Wojcik, B. Wang, L. Lin, M. B. Raschke, K. Xu, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10, 4788-4793, (2019).

Knife-edge based measurement of the 4D transverse phase space of electron beams with picometer-scale emittance

F. Ji, J. Navarro, P. Musumeci, D. B. Durham, A. M. Minor, D. Filippetto, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 15, 082801, (2019).

Data-driven challenges and opportunities in crystallography

C. Glynn, J. A. Rodriguez, Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 3, 423-432, (2019).

Observing crystal nucleation in four dimensions using atomic electron tomography

J. Zhou, Y. Yang, Y. Yang, D. S. Kim, A. Yuan, X. Tian, C. Ophus, F. Sun, A. K. Schmid, M. Nathanson, H. Heinz, Q. An, H. Zeng, P. Ercius, J. Miao, Nature, 570, 500-503, (2019).

Improved Surface Functionalization and Characterization of Membrane-Targeted Semiconductor Voltage Nanosensors

J. Park, Y. Kuo, J. Li, Y. Huang, E. W. Miller, S. Weiss, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10, 3906-3913, (2019).

Speckle-structured illumination for 3D phase and fluorescence computational microscopy

L. Yeh, S. Chowdhury, N. A. Repina, L. Waller, Biomedical Optics Express, 10, 3635, (2019).

Ultrasensitive Tip- and Antenna-Enhanced Infrared Nanoscopy of Protein Complexes

B. T. O’Callahan, M. Hentschel, M. B. Raschke, P. Z. El-Khoury, A. tt Lea, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 17505-17509, (2019).

Advances in in situ nanomechanical testing

A. M. Minor, G. Dehm, MRS Bulletin, 44, 438-442, (2019).

Deep learning for single-shot autofocus microscopy

H. Pinkard, Z. Phillips, A. Babakhani, D. A. Fletcher, L. Waller, Optica, 6, 794, (2019).

Direct observation of picosecond melting and disintegration of metallic nanoparticles

Y. Ihm, D. Cho, D. Sung, D. Nam, C. Jung, T. Sato, S. Kim, J. Park, S. Kim, M. Gallagher-Jones, Y. Kim, R. Xu, S. Owada, J. Shim, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, J. Miao, D. Noh, C. Song, Nature Communications, 10, 2411, (2019).

Cryo-EM structures of herpes simplex virus type 1 portal vertex and packaged genome

Y. Liu, J. Jih, X. Dai, G. Bi, Z. ng Zhou, Nature, 570, 257-261, (2019).

Ultrafast Relativistic Electron Nanoprobes

F. F. Ji, D. B. Durham, A. M. Minor, P. P. Musumeci, J. G. Navarro, D. D. Filippetto, Communications Physics, 2, 54, (2019).

In situ structures of rotavirus polymerase in action and mechanism of mRNA transcription and release

K. Ding, C. C. Celma, X. Zhang, T. Chang, W. Shen, I. Atanasov, P. Roy, Z. Hong Zhou, Nature Communications, 10, 2216, (2019).

Elastin-Dependent Aortic Heart Valve Leaflet Curvature Changes During Cyclic Flexure

M. D. Tesfamariam, A. M. Mirza, D. Chaparro, A. Z. Ali, R. Montalvan, I. Saytashev, B. A. Gonzalez, A. Barreto, J. Ramella-Roman, J. D. Hutcheson, S. Ramaswamy, Bioengineering, 6, 39, (2019).

Spectral image scanning microscopy

F. Strasser, M. Offterdinger, R. Piestun, A. Jesacher, Biomedical Optics Express, 10, 2513, (2019).

Moments reconstruction and local dynamic range compression of high order superresolution optical fluctuation imaging

X. Yi, S. Son, R. Ando, A. Miyawaki, S. Weiss, Biomedical Optics Express, 10, 2430, (2019).

Information-rich localization microscopy through machine learning

T. Kim, S. Moon, K. Xu, Nature Communications, 10, 1996, (2019).

Investigating the dynamics of ontological reasoning across contexts in quantum physics

J. R. Hoehn, J. D. Gifford, N. D. Finkelstein, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15, 010124, (2019).

Structure of the human ClC-1 chloride channel

K. Wang, S. Preisler, L. Zhang, Y. Cui, J. Missel, C. Grønberg, K. Gotfryd, E. Lindahl, M. Andersson, K. Calloe, P. F. Egea, D. Klaerke, M. Pusch, P. Pedersen, Z. Hong Zhou, P. Gourdon, PLOS Biology, 17, e3000218, (2019).

A 3.8 Å resolution cryo-EM structure of a small protein bound to an imaging scaffold

Y. Liu, D. T. Huynh, T. O. Yeates, Nature Communications, 10, 1864, (2019).

Fostering sustainable improvements in science education: An analysis through four frames

D. L. Reinholz, C. Ngai, G. Quan, M. E. Pilgrim, J. C. Corbo, N. Finkelstein, Science Education, 103, 1125-1150, (2019).

Advanced denoising for X-ray ptychography

H. Chang, P. Enfedaque, J. Zhang, J. Reinhardt, B. Enders, Y. Yu, D. Shapiro, C. G. Schroer, T. Zeng, S. Marchesini, Optics Express, 27, 10395, (2019).

Infrared nanospectroscopic imaging in the rotating frame

S. C. Johnson, E. A. Muller, O. Khatib, E. A. Bonnin, A. C. Gagnon, M. B. Raschke, Optica, 6, 424, (2019).

Recent advances in ultrafast X-ray sources

R. Schoenlein, T. Elsaesser, K. Holldack, Z. Huang, H. Kapteyn, M. Murnane, M. Woerner, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 377, 20180384, (2019).

pH-dependent gating mechanism of the Helicobacter pylori urea channel revealed by cryo-EM

Y. Cui, K. Zhou, D. Strugatsky, Y. Wen, G. Sachs, Z. Hong Zhou, K. Munson, Science Advances, 5, eaav8423, (2019).

Physics-based Learned Design: Optimized Coded-Illumination for Quantitative Phase Imaging

M. R. Kellman, E. Bostan, N. A. Repina, L. Waller, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 344-353, (2019).
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