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So far Lauren Mason has created 281 blog entries.

Congratulations to Daniel Durham for Receiving the Microscopy & Microanalysis Student Scholar Award

Congratulations to Dan for receiving an M&M Student Scholar Award! These awards are a joint effort with MSA’s sister society, the Microanalysis Society (MAS), and are judged on the quality of the two-page proceeding papers submitted to the M&M meeting. Between the two societies, approximately 30 of 200 annual student submissions are given the award. The award package provides complimentary registration to the M&M meeting, travel and lodging reimbursement up to $1,000, and an invitation to the Presidents’ reception. Awardees are recognized during the awards portion of the opening plenary session.

Congratulations to Ethan Anderson at Fort Lewis College for Receiving a Diversity Supplement from NIGMS and for Receiving the Best Poster Prize at the FLC Undergraduate Research Symposium

Ethan Anderson won the best poster award for “Fabrication of a physiologically relevant novel lung on a chip device to quantify extracellular matrix deposition” in Spring 2022 at Fort Lewis College. Ethan also received a Diversity Supplement from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences for “Utilizing biodegradable porous silicon membranes as a novel design for lung-on-a-chip microfluidic devices to investigate extracellular matrix interactions.” Congratulations, Ethan!

Postdoctoral Researcher position in the field of nanoscale thermal transport

Job Description
An experimental Postdoctoral position is now available in the Department of Physics of the

University of Basel, Switzerland. This project will use time- and frequency-resolved

spectroscopies, such as thermoreflectance or transient thermal grating experiments, in synergy

to further the understanding of nanoscale thermal transport and elastic properties of advanced

materials. This research will be focused on phononic crystals, which are highly nanostructured

artificial materials that are ideal candidates for smart heat management or/and energy

harvesting applications. In this exciting role, you will work under the direction of Dr. Begoña

Abad, within the Nanophononics group, led by Prof. Ilaria Zardo, at the Department of Physics

of the University of Basel (Switzerland). This position is funded by the PRIMA grant of Dr.

Begoña Abad from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Required qualifications:
Ph.D. in Physics, material science, or related field.

Proven track record in thermal characterization of materials.

Hands-on experience with lasers and optical instrumentation.

Experience with data analysis using tools such as Matlab, Python, etc.

Excellence in research and strong communication skills.

High degree of independence together with the ability to work in a collaborative group


Good knowledge of written and spoken English.

Preferred qualifications:
Experience with pump-probe experimental setups.

Experience with finite element analysis (COMSOL).

Experience using software to automate control of experiments.

Your role:
Thermal conductivity characterization of phononic crystals by time-domain

thermoreflectance and transient thermal grating.

Measurements of thermal transport deviations from macroscopic models by laser-based


Develop thermal and elastic models for new techniques and materials.

Draft manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals.

What we offer:
Interdisciplinary, collaborative, and diverse team.

Highly competitive salary.

Cutting-edge experiments using state-of-the-art ultrafast, and modulated laser sources.

The postdoctoral appointment is initially for one year with the possibility of renewal for two
more depending on mutual agreement. Interested postdoctoral candidates should send their CV

(including completed degrees and list of publications), two reference letters or contacts, and a

motivation letter (briefly summarizing qualifications and interest in the position) to Dr. Begoña

Abad ( The starting date is flexible.

Congratulations to Franklin Dollar for Being Recognized as a 2022 Kavli Fellow

Professor Dollar is now recognized as a 2022 Kavli Fellow, a joint endeavor by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and the Kavli Foundation. He presented his work on high intensity laser matter interactions at the 2022 Kavli Frontiers of Science U.S. Symposium. Attendance to the symposium is by invitation only, and attendees are selected from among award winners for early career scientists in the U.S. and abroad. Attendees include Sloan Fellows, Packard Fellows, MacArthur Genius Grantees, Pew Fellows, Searle Scholars, and Presidential Early Career Awardees for Scientists and Engineers. Since the inception of the program in 1989, over 5,000 distinguished young scientists have attended a Kavli symposium and are designated Kavli Fellows.

PhD and Postdoc positions – Nanophotonics and quantum physics with electrons and light

Prof. Albert Polman (NWO-Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Did you know high-energy electrons can serve as efficient sources of optical excitation of matter? Our group has developed cathodoluminescence microscopy, in which we use 1-30 keV electrons in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to excite nanomaterials. The oscillating electric field carried by the electron serves as a broadband (0-30 eV) excitation source with 5 nm spatial and 5 fs temporal resolution. This enables us to study excitations and localized modes of plasmons, 2D semiconductors and a wide range of optical metamaterials. We study excitation dynamics through time-resolved spectroscopy, correlative measurements, holography and perform 3D tomography of complex geometries.
In a parallel project, we use high-power laser pulses to induce very strong optical near fields that change the energy spectrum of the electrons in the SEM. This interaction dresses the electrons into a quantum superposition state which creates a way to tailor the spatial and temporal distribution of electron wavepackets at will. The CL microscope is then operated as a quantum instrument with well-prepared initial electron states that can be entangled with materials excitations. This enables studies of optical excitations at attosecond time resolution. The new technique (called PINEM) opens up an entirely new world of electron microscopy applications in integrated optics, nanophotonics, and opto-electronics and will provide detailed insights into fundamental electron-light-matter interactions that have been inaccessible thus far.
We have vacancies for PhD students and postdoc in all of these topics.
About the group
The Photonic Materials group (, led by Prof. Albert Polman, studies light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. The group is composed of an international team of 8-10 PhD students, postdocs and masters students that work in a collaborative atmosphere with many social group activities. Every week we hold group meeting, CL team meeting, and departmental colloquium and poster sessions, in addition to regular journal clubs. We also regularly organize an international group labtour. See here for details on our CL program.
Our group is part of AMOLFs Nanophotonics and Light Management in new Photovoltaic Materials research centers that are composed of 8 research groups (50 PhD students and postdocs) that share a state-of-the-art cleanroom for nanofabrication and characterization and many other facilities.
You have a degree in physics or related field, and have strong social, organizational and communication skills. For further details about these positions, contact Albert Polman: polman@amolf.nlSelection of candidates will continue till the positions are filled.
To apply
To apply for these positions, visit:
Prof. Albert Polman
Group Leader, Photonic Materials Group, NWO-Institute AMOLF
Program leader, NWO Focus Group Light Management in new Photovoltaic Materials
Professor of Photonic Materials for Photovoltaics, University of Amsterdam
NWO-Institute AMOLF, Science Park 104, 1098 XG Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Congratulations to Dr. Chen-Ting Liao for Being Accepted into the 2023 American Physical Society Career Mentoring Fellows Program

The APS Career Mentoring Fellows Program has accepted Dr. Chen-Ting Liao into their 2022-2023 cohort! The Career Mentoring (CM) Fellows program seeks physicists working in industry, government/national labs, or academia, who are interested in mentoring undergraduate students, learning and teaching about diverse career paths of physics degree holders, and establishing a stronger connection with the physics community.

Deciphering magnetism and its dynamics by Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy – a step towards magnonic data processing

Contemporary information and communication technology (ICT) reaches more and more its limits with respect to power consumption and heat dissipation with ICT already consuming about 7% of global energy. Already several decades ago, the use of the magnetic spin as information unit has been suggested to overcome these limits, offering a path to low-power data processing. Time-Resolved X-ray Microscopy is a valuable addition to the common spectromicroscopy techniques used in the research and design process of spintronics and magnonics, allowing the element-specific and spatially resolved characterization of dynamic magnetic properties of materials and logic designs on the sub-30 nm scale. In my talk I’m going to introduce Time-resolved Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy and its application in studying magnonics in addition to Ferromagnetic Resonance spectroscopy and Micromagnetic simulations. In addition, I will present a concept of a Magnonic Cellular Nonlinear Network as an approach for massively parallel magnonic processing.

Congratulations to Bin Wang for Receiving the 2022 SPIE BACUS Scholarship

Congratulations to Bin Wang for receiving the 2022 SPIE BACUS Scholarship! The SPIE BACUS Scholarship was set up in 1998 to reward the most qualified students who wish to work in the fields of photomask and microlithography manufacturing for the semiconductor industry. This award will partially assist with pursuing Bin’s career goals in the fields of microlithography, photomask technology and/or optical/EUV photolithography technologies.

The BACUS Steering Committee, in concert with the SPIE Scholarship Committee, will work with institutions of higher learning to identify candidates and award scholarships to help prepare them to make significant contributions to industry.

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