Research Highlights

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Stroboscopic Imaging of Nanoscale Transport

June 14, 2019|

The functional properties of photovoltaics and nano-devices for electronics, thermoelectrics and data storage can be enhanced by tuning their structure at the nanoscale. However, at dimensions <100nm, bulk models can no longer accurately predict heat, charge or spin transport, or the mechanical properties of doped or nano-structured materials. A STROBE team from CU Boulder, UC Berkeley, and LBNL developed a real-time microscope to capture, map and understand nanoscale heat transport in nanostructures. This microscope was then used to validate a very surprising prediction—that an array of closely-spaced nanoscale heat sources can cool more quickly than when spaced far apart.

Frazer et al., “Engineering nanoscale thermal transport: Size- and spacing-dependent cooling of nanostructures,” Physical Review Applied 11, 024042 (2019); Karl et al., “Full-Field Functional Imaging of Nanoscale Dynamics Using Tabletop High Harmonics”, Science Advances 4, eaau4295 (2018).

Deep Learning for Single-Shot Autofocus Microscopy

June 5, 2019|

A STROBE team led by Prof. Waller, created a novel computational imaging autofocusing system for microscopes utilizing an of-the-shelf LED and a machine learning algorithm with optical physics knowledge incorporated into its design.

H. Pinkard et al., “Deep learning for single-shot autofocus microscopy”, Optica 6, 794 (2019).

Information-rich Localization Microscopy Through Machine Learning

April 30, 2019|

Artificial neural networks enable the extraction of multiple parameters, including spectral and depth information, from unmodified experimental single-molecule images for multidimensional super-resolution microscopy. Good color separation is thus achieved in fixed cells using two dyes ~80 nm apart in emission wavelength.

T. Kim et al., “Information-rich localization microscopy through machine learning”, Nature Communications 10, (2019).

Real Time Near-field Imaging of Biological and Nano-systems

April 3, 2019|

Label-free chemical nano-imaging in dense molecular environments has remained a long-standing challenge. STROBE Thrust lead Markus Raschke led a team of academic and national laboratory scientists from LBNL, Boulder and Berkeley to speed-up scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) by a factor of 10! This remarkable achievement allowed the team to image the surface shape and chemistry of biological samples, including mollusk shells, with nanometer spatial resolution.

MS. C. Johnson et al., "Infrared nanospectroscopic imaging in the rotating frame," Optica 4, 424 (2019).

Temporal magnification for streaked ultrafast electron diffraction and microscopy

January 29, 2019|

UCLA STROBE researchers show how a radiofrequency cavity can be used as an electron longitudinal lens in order to produce a highly magnified temporal replica of an ultrafast process, and, in combination with a deflecting cavity, enable streaked electron images of optical-frequency phenomena, taking advantage of the time-stretch concept.

D. Cesar et al., “Temporal magnification for streaked ultrafast electron diffraction and microscopy” , Ultramicroscopy 199, 1 - 6 (2019).

De-blurring Images of Living Biological Samples

December 10, 2018|

Imaging fast moving samples such as living biological samples is challenging because the images can appear blurred if the strobe light is not fast enough. This is an issue for high-quality quantitative phase imaging, which was too slow for many samples (image on right). STROBE faculty Laura Waller from Berkeley led a team to develop a new approach to reduce this blur, that enhances the speed to match the frame rate of the detector, to enable much clearer imaging of many biological systems (image on left).

M. Chen et al., "Quantitative differential phase contrast (DPC) microscopy with computational aberration correction," Optics Express 26, 32888-32899 (2018).

Correlative 3D X-ray Fluorescence and Ptychographic Tomography of Frozen-hydrated Green Algae

November 2, 2018|

A STROBE team led by Prof. Miao, in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory, implemented hybrid 3D X-ray microscopy by combining cryogenic hard X-ray ptychography and X-ray fluorescence microscopy. Here, STROBE’s advanced GENFIRE tomography algorithm was used to correlate high resolution ultrastructure mapping and elemental distributions in an unlabeled, frozen-hydrated green algae.

J. Deng et al., “Correlative 3D x-ray fluorescence and ptychographic tomography of frozen-hydrated green algae”, Science Advances 4, eaau4548 (2018).

Electron Imaging Reveals the Conductance Watershed Between Two Electrodes

October 29, 2018|

Traditional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) excels at determining the physical structure of a sample, but reveals little about the electronic structure. STROBE faculty Chris Regan at UCLA developed a new technique based on secondary electron emission (SE) and electron beam induced current (EBIC) to image the electronic structure of functioning devices with a TEM-like spatial resolution. He used this new SEEBIC technique to map the conductance of a nanodevice containing a thin silicon membrane (brown and green) separating two electrodes (blue).

Hubbard et al, "STEM Imaging with Beam-Induced Hole and Secondary Electron Currents," Physical Review Applied. 10, 044066 (2018).

Demonstration of Electron Ghost Imaging

September 11, 2018|

The first demonstration of computational ghost imaging with electrons has been carried out at UCLA. A digital micromirror device is used to directly modulate the photocathode drive laser to control the transverse distribution of a relativistic electron beam incident on a sample. Correlating the structured illumination pattern to the total sample transmission then retrieves the target image, avoiding need for a pixelated detector. In our example, we use a compressed sensing framework to improve the reconstruction quality and reduce the number of shots compared to raster scanning a small beam across the target. Compressed electron ghost imaging can reduce both acquisition time and sample damage in experiments for which spatially resolved detectors are unavailable (e.g. spectroscopy) or in which the experimental architecture precludes full frame direct imaging.

S. Li et al., "Electron Ghost Imaging," Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 114801 (2018).

Super-Resolution Imaging of Clickable Graphene Nanoribbons Decorated with Fluorescent Dyes

July 5, 2018|

A STROBE team led by Ke Xu at Berkeley adapted advanced super-resolution microscopy techniques developed by the Weiss group at UCLA, to rapidly image graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). These are important functional materials with great promise in nano-electronics and other applications. However, it has been a challenge to visualize and characterize them in a high-throughput manner due to their small physical dimensions. Temporal fluorescence intensity fluctuations in these samples enabled the reconstruction of SRM images through superresolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) and the related superresolution radial fluctuation (SRRF) analysis methods.

D. Joshi et al., “Super-Resolution Imaging of Clickable Graphene Nanoribbons Decorated with Fluorescent Dyes,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 140, 9574 - 9580 (2018).
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