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So far Lauren Mason has created 281 blog entries.

New forms of computational tomographic and super-resolution imaging

Conventional optical microscopy focuses on designing optical systems to faithly replicate an image of a magnified object to reveal very small spatial features. Image quality, and thus the ability to observe small spatial features, is limited by the ability to form high quality images for widefield microscopy, or for focusing to the smallest possible spot for laser scanning microscopy. Computational imaging can sidestep such limitations by taking into account a model of the image process, and this way computational imaging is able to produce high resolution imaging with a greater flexibility for optical systems. I will provide an overview of several recent results on computational imaging from my group: 1) three dimensional widefield second harmonic generation tomographic imaging based in defocused illumination, 2) tomographic fluorescent imaging by mimicking coherent light propagation, and 3) saturated super deconvolution microscopy.

Congratulations to Quynh Nguyen for Being Awarded the Stanford Q-FARM Bloch Postdoc Fellowship

Q-FARM (Quantum Fundamentals, ARchitectures and Machines) is Stanford’s initiative in quantum science and engineering. The QFARM student fellowships are awarded to advanced graduate students working in quantum science and engineering. Fellowship criteria are excellence in their research, and demonstrated potential for building new links within the Stanford quantum community. Each awardee receives two years of funding.

Congratulations to Anne-Barrie Hunter for Being Promoted to Senior Research Associate in Ethnography & Evaluation Research at CU Boulder

Anne-Barrie Hunter has been promoted to Senior Research Associate within Ethnography & Evaluation Research at CU Boulder. Ethnography & Evaluation Research (E&ER) is an independent research unit at the University of Colorado Boulder. E&ER is skilled in conducting and disseminating research and evaluation that is useful for faculty and institutions seeking to improve their STEM education practices. Congratulations, Anne-Barrie!

Congratulations to Brendan McBennett for winning a Best Student Presentation Award for Symposium EN03: Thermal Materials, Modeling and Technoeconomic Impacts for Thermal Management and Energy Application at the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting

Brendan McBennet’s oral presentation has been selected to win “Best Student Presentation Award for Symposium EN03: Thermal Materials, Modeling and Technoeconomic Impacts for Thermal Management and Energy Application at the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting”. Congratulations, Brendan!

Simons Postdoctoral Scholars at IPAM, UCLA

The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA is seeking to recruit up to three Simons Postdoctoral Scholars (SPD) funded by the Simons Foundation. The appointment will be for one calendar year, beginning August 1, 2022 and carry a salary of up to $85,000 annually.

During the 2022-23 academic year, IPAM will host two long programs: Computational Microscopy and New Mathematics for the Exascale: Applications to Materials Science. A successful SPD candidate will pursue a robust program of mathematical research that connects with at least one of these programs. SPD candidates are expected to stay in residence at IPAM for the academic year. They will be supervised by members of the IPAM directorate, or other UCLA faculty.

A PhD in Mathematics, Statistics, or a related field received in May 2017 or later is required. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

How to Apply:

Applications must be submitted at Applications should include a CV, a research statement addressing connections with IPAM programs, a statement on contributions to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), and at least three letters of recommendation. All applicants should indicate the AMS Subject Classification that most accurately represents their research area. Applications will receive fullest consideration if received by January 1, 2022. Questions about the position/application may be sent to

More Information about IPAM: IPAM is an NSF mathematics institute whose principal objective is to encourage cross-fertilization between pure and applied mathematics and other scientific disciplines. IPAM provides a scientific environment where new collaborations can begin and to create active working research groups centered on the topic of the program.

IPAM offers two long programs per year, plus several shorter programs throughout the year. Each long program has significant participation from math and other disciplines, or from multiple fields within mathematics, and consists of tutorials, workshops and a culminating retreat off-campus. IPAM also sponsors a summer undergraduate industrial research program and a one to three-week summer school. Further information on IPAM can be found at

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy, see

Congratulations to Giulia Mancini for Receiving the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Young Scientist Prize in Optics from the International Commission of Optics

Congratulations to Giulia Mancini for receiving the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics! In 2005 the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) created the Young Scientist Prizes for its commissions. The international Commission of Optics (ICO), as an Affiliated Commission of IUPAP, decided in 2008 to adopt the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics. The IUPAP prize in optics will be awarded annually through ICO to a scientist who has made noteworthy contributions to applied optics and photonics during a maximum of 8 years of research experience after having earned a PhD degree. Career interruptions will not be counted as time of research experience.

Infrared nano-imaging and -spectroscopy: methods, applications, and current research

Infrared (IR) vibrational scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) has advanced to become a powerful nano-imaging and -spectroscopy technique to probe molecular and lattice vibrations, low-energy electronic excitations and correlations, and related collective surface plasmon, phonon, or other polaritonic resonances. s-SNOM enables the study of complex heterogeneous materials with simultaneous nanoscale spatial resolution and quantum state spectroscopic specificity. It has also been extended to studying dynamics in the time domain, where ultrafast vibrational and electronic spectroscopy unravels mechanisms underlying functionality in quantum materials. I will discuss light sources, implementations of nano-probe spectroscopy and imaging, and open scientific questions that are being addressed with these techniques.

Pycro-Manager: open-source software for customized and reproducible microscope control

Innovative microscopy techniques are often impeded by a lack of control software that is capable of meeting demands for speed and performance, integrating new and diverse types of hardware, providing the flexibility to adapt in real time to the data being captured, and providing user-friendly programming interfaces. As a result, researchers often end up developing custom software that works only with specific instruments, using closed-source and/or proprietary programming languages. Pycro-Manager is a package that meets these challenges by enabling python control of Micro-Manager (an open-source microscopy control software) as well as the simple development of customized experiments that involve microscope hardware control integrated with real-time image processing. It is compatible with hundreds of microscope components and full microscopes and provides open source APIs for the integration of new hardware. More information can be found at:

Tutorial: X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy at synchrotron light sources

Synchrotron light sources provide unique types of X-rays and different end-station configurations. As such, synchrotrons can host a wide variety of experiments to study the most diverse materials and their properties. In this talk, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of these light sources in the context of x-ray microscopy. We will provide examples of what they can be used for, including spectromicroscopy for 3D magnetic imaging and elemental analysis, while focusing on the COherent Scattering and MICroscopy (COSMIC) beamline located at the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).

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