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Postdoc positions available at UC Berkeley in EECS and/or Vision Science

Postdoc positions available at UC Berkeley in EECS and/or Vision Science

First application deadline: November 1st, 2020

Adaptive optics imaging, computational imaging, basic vision science, future display technology

Available postdoc positions are interdisciplinary between Berkeley’s department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS), and the Vision Science (VS) program in the School of Optometry.  Postdocs may be appointed in either division or jointly in both.  Hires in both disciplines are intended.The project faculty are Ren Ng (EECS), Austin Roorda (VS) and William Tuten (VS).  The project, called Oz Vision, conducts fundamental research in computational imaging systems directed at the emerging area of retinal stimulation at the level of individual photoreceptors, and associated applications in basic vision science and future-looking display technology. Representative research questions include: can we see colors beyond the natural human color gamut?  Can we help a color-blind person perceive “full” color?  Can we create a new class of display technology that fundamentally extends human vision by building visual percepts photoreceptor-by-photoreceptor?

The project includes multiple parts with high mobility and cross-disciplinary opportunity for motivated candidates. Representative project parts include:
– Apply machine learning in imaging the retina, classifying its cells, and predicting its perpetual motion.

– Design and build a next-generation retina stimulation device involving adaptive optics with one-photon and two-photon imaging/stimulation.
– Conduct human vision experiments to establish colorimetry for novel, out-of-gamut colors.
– Develop low-latency software control to prototype next-generation color displays by stimulating the retina at the level of individual photoreceptors.
– Design and implement experiments to study the potential to boost the dimensionality of human color perception.

The positions require a PhD in Computer Science, Optical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Vision Science or closely related fields. Deep experience with some, but not all, of the following topics is necessary (not in order of priority): optical engineering, imaging systems design, low-latency software engineering, computer vision, computer graphics, visual psychophysics, precision engineering, low-latency software, GPU programming, optimization, machine learning. Ideal candidates will possess outstanding communication skills, and talent for collaborating in and leading an intellectually diverse team.

Multiple positions are funded for two years with a possibility of renewal for a third year. The positions are available now and will be filled when a suitable candidate is found. The first rolling deadline is November 1st, 2020.

Interested candidates can send informal inquiries to Ren Ng (, or submit an application including CV, statement of research experience and interests, and contact information for three references.

The University of California is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status.

Announcement with images:

UCLA scientists create world’s smallest ‘refrigerator’

How do you keep the world’s tiniest soda cold? UCLA scientists may have the answer.

A team led by UCLA physics professor Chris Regan has succeeded in creating thermoelectric coolers that are only 100 nanometers thick — roughly one ten-millionth of a meter — and have developed an innovative new technique for measuring their cooling performance.

“We have made the world’s smallest refrigerator,” said Regan, the lead author of a paper on the research published recently in the journal ACS Nano.

To be clear, these miniscule devices aren’t refrigerators in the everyday sense — there are no doors or crisper drawers. But at larger scales, the same technology is used to cool computers and other electronic devices, to regulate temperature in fiber-optic networks, and to reduce image “noise” in high-end telescopes and digital cameras.

An Introduction to EUV Light Sources

ASML’s EUV scanners are installed at customer factories and have begun high volume manufacturing (HVM) of high-end semiconductor devices. The latest generation of EUV sources, developed at Cymer in San Diego, operates at 250W of EUV power, while maintaining stringent control of energy stability and dose control, with improved availability and a design for serviceability concept. In this talk, we provide an overview of tin laser-produced-plasma (LPP) extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) sources at 13.5nm enabling HVM at the N5 node and beyond. The field performance of  sources at 250 watts power including the performance of subsystems such as the Collector and the Droplet Generator will be shown. Progress in the development of key technologies for power scaling towards 500W will be described.

Diffractive Imaging in a Flash

Ultrashort light pulses on the time scale of attoseconds provide a window into some of the fastest electronic effects occurring in solid-state systems. Obtaining structural information through coherent diffractive imaging is usually done with monochromatic x-ray sources. However, ultrashort pulses are inherently broadband, and getting transient structural information on such short time scales is challenging. Rana et al. describe a method that works with the broadband nature of ultrashort pulses. They split the pulses into 17 different wavelengths and then used an algorithm to computationally stitch together the diffraction patterns from each wavelength to reveal the structural image optimized across all wavelengths. Demonstrating the technique at optical wavelengths illustrates the feasibility of applying the method to ultrafast x-ray pulses.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 086101 (2020).

Ultrafast Imaging at All Frequencies

A new algorithm could allow researchers to capture attosecond, multiwavelength images of an object. Illuminating a sample with attosecond x-ray pulses could let researchers image phenomena as fleeting as the rearrangement of electrons during chemical reactions. The uncertainty principle dictates that ultrashort pulses have a broad energy spectrum. However, because focusing different wavelengths typically requires multiple sets of optics, most attempts at attosecond imaging are spectroscopic, ignoring all but one radiation frequency. Now, Jianwei Miao at the University of California, Los Angeles, and colleagues have developed an innovative algorithm that can simultaneously reconstruct multiple images of an object at different wavelengths using attosecond pulses. The method offers a way to take spectroscopic images without the need for sophisticated instruments.

From nanotech to living sensors: unraveling the spin physics of biosensing at the nanoscale

Substantial in vitro and physiological experimental results suggest that similar coherent spin physics might underlie phenomena as varied as the biosensing of magnetic fields in animal navigation and the magnetosensitivity of metabolic reactions related to oxidative stress in cells. If this is correct, organisms might behave, for a short time, as “living quantum sensors” and might be studied and controlled using quantum sensing techniques developed for technological sensors. I will outline our approach towards performing coherent quantum measurements and control on proteins, cells and organisms in order to understand how they interact with their environment, and how physiology is regulated by such interactions. Can coherent spin physics be established – or refuted! – to account for physiologically relevant biosensing phenomena, and be manipulated to technological and therapeutic advantage?

Ultraviolet Laser Probes Nano-Film Stiffness

Extremely thin films of dielectrics and other materials play vital roles in many types of advanced microelectronics, but their tiny dimensions and atomic make-up can impair mechanical performance.

Now, researchers at the NSF STROBE Science and Technology Center in the U.S. have shown they can characterize the mechanical properties of silicon-carbide films as thin as 5 nm using tabletop sources of extreme ultraviolet laser light—showing them to be far softer than thicker films of the same material (Phys. Rev. Mater., doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.073603).

Scientists Open New Window into the Nanoworld

CU Boulder researchers have used ultra-fast extreme ultraviolet lasers to measure the properties of materials more than 100 times thinner than a human red blood cell. The team, led by scientists at JILA, reported its new feat of wafer-thinness this week in the journal Physical Review Materials. The group’s target, a film just 5 nanometers thick, is the thinnest material that researchers have ever been able to fully probe, said study coauthor Joshua Knobloch. “This is a record-setting study to see how small we could go and how accurate we could be,” said Knobloch, a graduate student at JILA, a partnership between CU Boulder and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He added that when things get small, the normal rules of engineering don’t always apply. The group discovered, for example, that some materials seem to get a lot softer the thinner they become.

Reading the Secrets of the Nanoworld with Infrared Light

Many of the life’s elementary processes and material properties are determined by how molecules couple and interact. Until recently, it’s been impossible to see how these molecules interact with each other with a high enough resolution. The Raschke Group has used infrared lasers and a new microscope to get a high-resolution view of molecular coupling in porphyrin nanocrystals.

Congrats to James Utterback for Receiving the 2020 Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Beckman Foundation

The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation announced today its 2020 class of Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows in Chemical Sciences, individuals who underscore the Foundation’s mission of supporting basic research in the chemical sciences and chemical instrumentation. They were selected after a three-part review led by a panel of scientific experts. The Foundation will award more than $4 million in funding over the next three years for 14 exceptional research fellows from 7 universities.

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