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So far Lauren Mason has created 282 blog entries.

Deep-learning phase retrieval with low radiation doses

Phase retrieval is fundamentally important in scientific imaging and is crucial for nanoscale techniques like coherent diffractive imaging (CDI). Low radiation dose imaging is essential for applications involving radiation-sensitive samples. However, most phase retrieval methods struggle in low-dose scenarios due to high shot noise. Recent advancements in optical data acquisition setups, such as in-situ CDI, have shown promise for low-dose imaging, but they rely on a time series of measurements, making them unsuitable for single-image applications. Similarly, data- driven phase retrieval techniques are not easily adaptable to data-scarce situations. Zero-shot deep learning methods based on pre-trained and implicit generative priors have been effective in various imaging tasks but have shown limited success in PR. In this work, we propose low-dose deep image prior (LoDIP), which combines in-situ CDI with the power of implicit generative priors to address single-image low-dose phase retrieval. Quantitative evaluations demonstrate LoDIP’s superior performance in this task and its applicability to real experimental scenarios. We expect the LoDIP method to find applications in X-ray imaging of dose-sensitive samples across diverse fields including organic semiconductors and biological specimens.

Reduced-Dimensionality Al Nanocrystals: Nanowires, Nanobars, and Nanomoustaches

Aluminum nanocrystals created by catalyst-driven colloidal synthesis support excellent plasmonic properties, due to their high level of elemental purity, monocrystallinity, and controlled size and shape. Reduction in the rate of nanocrystal growth enables the synthesis of highly anisotropic Al nanowires, nanobars, and singly twinned “nanomoustaches”. Electron energy loss spectroscopy was used to study the plasmonic properties of these nanocrystals, spanning the broad energy range needed to map their plasmonic modes. The coupling between these nanocrystals and other plasmonic metal nanostructures, specifically Ag nanocubes and Au films of controlled nanoscale thickness, was investigated. Al nanocrystals show excellent long-term stability under atmospheric conditions, providing a practical alternative to coinage metal-based nanowires in assembled nanoscale devices.

Congratulations to Laura Waller for Being Selected as the 2024 AFOSR Chief Scientist Distinguished Lecturer

The AFRL/AFOSR Chief Scientist Distinguished Lecture Series selected Dr. Laura Waller, the Charles A. Desoer Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, as the 2024 AFOSR Chief Scientist Distinguished Lecturer. On March 21, 2024, from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET, Dr. Waller delivered a talk titled “Computational Imaging, from Microscopes to Telescopes,” exploring the joint design of imaging system hardware and software for optimized data acquisition and reconstruction.

Congrats to Ho Leung Chan for Being Selected as a 2024 M&M Student Scholar

Graduate student Ho Leung Chan from Prof. Chris Regan’s research group at UCLA received a 2024 M&M Student Scholar Award! Her presentation is titled “Nano-PUND and STEM EBIC Imaging for Ferroelectric Polarization Mapping.”

The award consists of free registration for the meeting, $1000 travel support, and invitations to the Presidential Reception. Applicants must be bona fide students at a recognized college or university at the time of the meeting. Awards are based on the quality of the paper submitted for presentation at the meeting. The applicant must be the first author of the submitted paper. Successful applicants must present their papers personally at the meeting in order to receive the award.

Congrats to Chris Regan and William Hubbard for Receiving the 2023 Microscopy Today Innovation Award

Congratulations to Prof. Chris Regan and Dr. William Hubbard for receiving the 2023 Microscopy Today Innovation Award for Low Noise, Two Channel STEM EBIC System.

NEI’s STEM EBIC system enables straightforward imaging of electronic and thermal features that are otherwise difficult, if not impossible, to visualize in the TEM. Electron beam-induced current (EBIC) is a measure of the current generated in a sample as it is raster-­scanned by a focused electron beam. Associating the measured EBIC with the beam position produces an EBIC image. First implemented in the 1960s, EBIC imaging is usually performed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to map electric fields in microelectronic devices. For instance, the built-in electric field of a p-n junction separates electron-hole pairs generated by the beam, producing a strong EBIC signal. Recently, thousand-fold improvements in current measurement sensitivity have led to practical EBIC imaging in scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEMs). This improved sensitivity reveals previously undetectable EBICs. In particular, the EBIC generated by secondary electron emission (SEEBIC) can now be routinely visualized.

Standard TEM-based techniques excel at determining the physical structure of a sample—the atomic locations and elemental identities—but they struggle to distinguish a metal from an insulator, or a warm interconnect from a cold one. In microelectronic devices, such electronic and thermal structure is generally of greater interest than the physical structure. STEM SEEBIC-based imaging of micro- and nano-electronic devices reveals these signals at high resolution. It can, for instance, quantitatively map conductivity, electric field, temperature, SE yield, active dopant concentration, and work function.

NEI’s STEM EBIC system is a turn-key solution for measuring extremely small EBICs. Low-noise STEM EBIC images of sub-pA signals, including SEEBIC, can be acquired in under two minutes. Extrinsic noise (for example, line noise) is nearly undetectable, so image filtering and post-processing are not necessary. The system—featuring a sample holder, custom substrates, and electronics optimized for EBIC in the TEM—is equipped with two independent EBIC amplifier channels for acquiring EBIC from different electrodes simultaneously. Two-channel EBIC can definitively separate SEEBIC from standard EBIC in situations where both are present, which greatly facilitates analysis and interpretation. NEI’s STEM EBIC system is designed to work with other in situ techniques, including heating and biasing on either custom-fabricated test devices or FIB-extracted cross-­sectional samples.

Congrats to Jessica Ramella-Roman for Being Recognized as an SPIE Community Champion in 2019 and 2020

Prof. Jessica Ramella-Roman has been recognized as an SPIE Community Champion for her outstanding volunteerism with the Society in 2019 and 2020.

The distinction is awarded to SPIE members to recognize their commitment to SPIE, its mission, and the broader optics and photonics community.

SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics, an educational not-for-profit organization founded in 1955 to advance light-bsed science, engineering, and technology. The society serves 257,000 constituents from 173 countries, offering conference and their published proceedings, continuing education, books, journals, and the SPIE Digital Library.

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