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Congrats to Gordana Dukovic for Being A Recipient of the 2024 National Brown Investigator Award

May 29, 2024|The Brown Institute for Basic Sciences at Caltech|

The Brown Institute for Basic Sciences at Caltech today announced the 2024 class of Brown Investigators. The cohort, the first selected through the newly formed Brown Institute for Basic Sciences, comprises eight distinguished mid-career faculty working on fundamental challenges in the physical sciences, particularly those with potential long-term practical applications in chemistry and physics. Each investigator will receive up to $2 million over five years.

The Brown Institute for basic Sciences at Caltech was established in 2023 through a $400-million gift to the Institute from entrepreneur, philanthropist, and alumnus Ross M. Brown (BS ’56, MS ’57).

Caltech and Brown share a common purpose: advancing fundamental science discoveries with the potential to seed breakthroughs that benefit society.

Gordana Dukovic, professor of chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, will develop methods for chemical structure determination of biomolecules bound to inorganic nanoparticles—materials that could be useful for the conversion of solar energy directly into new chemical bonds.

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Congratulations to Christian Tanner for Being Selected as a 2024 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Fellow

April 8, 2024|University of California News|

The University of California today (April 8) announced its fifth class of UC President’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Fellows, 27 highly accomplished young scientists awarded the opportunity to join Nobel laureates from around the globe at the 2024 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany.

“We are thrilled to provide some of the University’s most promising scientists the opportunity to attend this one-of-a-kind scholarly summit,” said UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D. “Promoting innovation and discovery, and fostering international collaboration, are foundational to the University of California’s mission of teaching, research and public service.”

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Congrats to Ho Leung Chan for Being Selected as a 2024 M&M Student Scholar

April 2, 2024|Microscopy Society of America|

Graduate student Ho Leung Chan from Prof. Chris Regan’s research group at UCLA received a 2024 M&M Student Scholar Award! Her presentation is titled “Nano-PUND and STEM EBIC Imaging for Ferroelectric Polarization Mapping.”

The award consists of free registration for the meeting, $1000 travel support, and invitations to the Presidential Reception. Applicants must be bona fide students at a recognized college or university at the time of the meeting. Awards are based on the quality of the paper submitted for presentation at the meeting. The applicant must be the first author of the submitted paper. Successful applicants must present their papers personally at the meeting in order to receive the award.

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Congratulations to Tristan O’Neill for Receiving a 2024 M&M Student Poster Award

April 2, 2024|Microscopy Society of America|

Congratulations to Tristan O’Neill for receiving a 2024 M&M Student Poster Award for his poster titled, “Mapping Moiré Potentials with STEM EBIC Imaging.”

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Congratulations to Laura Waller for Being Selected as the 2024 AFOSR Chief Scientist Distinguished Lecturer

March 21, 2024|Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)|

The AFRL/AFOSR Chief Scientist Distinguished Lecture Series selected Dr. Laura Waller, the Charles A. Desoer Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, as the 2024 AFOSR Chief Scientist Distinguished Lecturer. On March 21, 2024, from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET, Dr. Waller delivered a talk titled “Computational Imaging, from Microscopes to Telescopes,” exploring the joint design of imaging system hardware and software for optimized data acquisition and reconstruction.

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Congratulations to Christian Tanner for Being a Finalist for the APS DSOFT Emerging Soft Matter Excellence (ESME) Award

March 1, 2024|American Physical Society|

The APS DSOFT Emerging Soft Matter Excellence (ESME) Awardrecognizes an exceptional graduate student pursuing research in soft matter physics.

To be considered for the ESME Award the student must:

  1. be a DSOFT member;
  2. be currently pursuing a PhD;
  3. not have completed the PhD requirements before the October 27, 2024 application deadline.

The DSOFT ESME committee will select 12 finalists who will be invited to give a 12-minute talk in a special DSOFT Early Career Awards Symposium at the March Meeting. Finalists will also be invited to a celebratory dinner with the DSOFT Chair and ESME Committee.

The Awards Symposium will be open to all March Meeting attendees and advertised broadly to DSOFT members. Following the Symposium, the ESME Committee will select the ESME Awardee based on the quality of the candidate’s research, their presentation, and their response to questions. The winner will be announced and recognized at the DSOFT Business Meeting, and will receive $250 honorarium.

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Congrats to Kwabena Bediako for Being Awarded a 2024 Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry

February 20, 2024|Sloan Foundation|

Congratulations to the Sloan Research Fellows of 2024. The following 126 early-career scholars represent the most promising scientific researchers working today. Their achievements and potential place them among the next generation of scientific leaders in the U.S. and Canada. Winners receive $75,000, which may be spent over a two-year term on any expense supportive of their research.

Research efforts in the Bediako Group involve the mesoscopic investigation of interfacial charge transfer and charge transport in two-dimensional (2D) materials and heterostructures. We emphasize the design of materials with modular interfaces that can be controlled at atomically precise length scales to study and overcome contemporary challenges in electrochemical energy conversion and quantum electronics.

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Congrats to Skylar Sherman for Being Awarded a 2024 Department of Chemistry Fellowship

February 20, 2024|Department of Chemistry, CU Boulder|

Skylar Sherman, a graduate student in Gordana Dukovic’s group at CU Boulder, was awarded a fellowship from the Department of Chemistry that will fund research for the spring semester and summer. Congrats Skylar!

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Congrats to Hong Zhou for Being Named a 2024 Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology

February 15, 2024|American Society for Microbiology|

Congratulations to professor Hong Zhou on being named a 2024 fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology! In addition to his role as a professor at UCLA MIMG, Zhou is the faculty director of the Electron Imaging Center for NanoMachines (EICN), part of the CNSI Technology Centers.

In Feb., the American Academy of Microbiology (Academy) elected 65 new fellows to the Class of 2024. Fellows of the American Academy of Microbiology, the honorific leadership group within the American Society for Microbiology, are elected annually through a highly selective, peer-review process, based on their records of scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology. The Academy received 156 nominations for fellowship this year. There are over 2,600 fellows in the Academy representing all subspecialties of the microbial sciences and who are involved in basic and applied research, teaching, public health, industry and government service.

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